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Re: SIMO systems

From: Geraint Paul Bevan
Subject: Re: SIMO systems
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 07:50:23 +0100
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Mauro Casse wrote:
Hi, I can't find how to do this, I must obtain the space state representation of the followig transfer function with single input and two outputs
                    1                [  1  ]
G(s) = ------------------- * |       | (this is a column vector)
             s^2+5*s+1       [ s+1]

the following commands works in Matlab, but octave return this error

octave:26> num = [ 0 1; 1 1];
octave:27> den = [ 1 5 6 ];
octave:28> [ A, B, C, D] = tf2ss(num,den)
error: num(2x2) must be a vector
error: evaluating if command near line 51, column 3
error: called from /usr/local/share/octave/2.1.50/m/control/sys

tf2ss requires the numerator to have only one column, i.e. it only works with simple gains in the numerator. You can create the state space representation manually however:

octave> [A,B,C1,D1] = tf2ss (    1  , [1,5,6] );
octave> [A,B,C2,D2] = tf2ss ( [1,1] , [1,5,6] );
octave> C = [C1;C2];
octave> D = [D1;D2];
octave> A,B,C,D
A =

   0   1
  -6  -5

B =


C =

  1  0
  1  1

D =


Geraint Bevan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Glasgow
Tel: +44 (0)141 330 5917

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