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Re: User Function

From: J.C. Gonzalez
Subject: Re: User Function
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 12:36:36 +0200

Hi Cederik,

Good to hear that finally somebody would arrange a site with the
User Contributed Functions... Somehow, I was feeling that this 
topic was dying out.

Perhaps some of the criteria for sorting such things could be
development status, size of "project" and field of application.
As field of application I take the sections in the "Projects"
list. An example:

+-- general documentation
+-- stable
|     +-- apps
|     |     ...
|     +-- packages
|     |     +-- data_types
|     |     +-- interface
|     |     +-- interpreter
|     |     +-- io
|     |     +-- graphics
|     |     +-- miscelanea 
|     |     +-- numerical
|     |     +-- programming
|     |     +-- strings  
|     |           ...
|     |
|     +-- tools
|           ...
+-- devel
      +-- apps
      |     ...
      +-- packages
      |     ...
      +-- tools

I would include the additional documentation for any package 
together with the package itself, of course.

Perhaps the best way to submit files/packages/whatever is 
through a anonymous-ftp account, into an "incoming" directory.
For example, the way like CTAN gets its uploads. And I would
ask for a small description file, as mandatory, like those
old .lsm files.

BTW, it would be nice to see somewhere (perhaps not in
your site, I don't know) not only the projects list for
octave, but also the status of some ongoing topics, if

If all this sounds too simple-minded or stupid, just 
forget it  ;-)

So far, my two cents...

I was thinking on trying to increase the amount of 
documentation available for octave. Now that you start with
this site, perhaps I find the time to do it really.


   *    J. C. Gonzalez                   
  .     --------------------------------------------------------------  
  .     Grupo Altas Energias                     Tel.: +34 91 3944491
   .    Dpto.Fisica Atomica,Molecular y Nuclear  Fax : +34 91 3945193   
     *  Fac.CC.Fisicas, UCM           ... . .... . ..... ......... .. 
 .      Avda.Complutense s/n         E-mail: address@hidden
   .    E-28040 Madrid, Spain           WWW:Šþgonzalez

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