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Re: error with "end"

From: Mike Miller
Subject: Re: error with "end"
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:43:26 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Daniel Heiserer wrote:

> Write a perl script, which parses all your scripts
> changing end to END (for later compatibility reasons)
> and insert a line before each "end" usage defining
> the "END":

I didn't quite understand this, but I want to clarify that MATLAB uses
'end' and not 'END'.  The MATLAB help documenation is weird in that it
always shows commands and such in upper case even when upper case will not
work. In MATLAB:

>> x=rand(3)

x =

    0.2028    0.2722    0.7468
    0.1987    0.1988    0.4451
    0.6038    0.0153    0.9318

>> x(2,1:end)

ans =

    0.1987    0.1988    0.4451

>> x(2,1:END)
??? Undefined variable or capitalized internal function END; Caps Lock may be 


Michael B. Miller
University of Missouri--Columbia

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