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Combining perl and makefile I seem to remember asking this before but ca

From: Billy Patton
Subject: Combining perl and makefile I seem to remember asking this before but can't find it.
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:09:38 -0600

I'm looking to get a makefile working inside a perl scripts.
Long explanation why, but it concerns mas quanitities of lines generated
froma a lot perl hashs
I have to generate a large amount of strings as input to a program,12+
I would like to not to have to generate the make file and execute it

My basic steps will be
1. create permutations with perl program, as a list of perl hashes.
2. convert hashs to strings with perl program.  
   Strings are command lines options for external script
3. use make to utilize the --max-load feature.  
   These 12k+ jobs should be < 2 second each and use virtually no memory.  
Make should run them much faster then perl multithread of using LSF to
distribute across the network.
Espically LSF can take a minute to get it logged into it's system.

Here it is in bash
printf "In bash\n";

make -f - all<<!
all : 
        @echo "In the make section"
        @echo "DO_THIS = ${DO_THIS}"


Here's what I've tried in perl with no success

print "this is perl\n";
$make = <<MAKE;

all : do_this do_that
address@hidden 'this'
address@hidden 'that'
open OUT , ">z";
print OUT "$make\n";
close OUT;

print "$make\n";

$_ = `make -j --max-load 1.0 -f - all <<$make`;
$st = $?>>8;


print "In perl again with status = $st , ret = '$_'\n";

When I execute perl
this is perl

all : do_this do_that
  @echo 'this'
  @echo 'that'

sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
sh: -c: line 1: `make -j --max-load 1.0 -f - all <<'
In perl again with status = 2 , ret = ''

When I execute make -f z  I get:
make -f z

So I know the make file is gettting written correctly.

this is perl
all : do_this do_that
   @echo "doing_this"
   @echo "doing_doing_that"

make: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
In perl again with status = 2 , ret = ''

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