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targets starting with '/'

From: Noel Yap
Subject: targets starting with '/'
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 11:13:07 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040212)

The following makefile works perfectly:

.PHONY: all
all: ../install/

../install/ ../build/ | ../install/.
        cp $(<) $(@)

../build/ ../src/ | ../build/.
        cp $(<) $(@)

        mkdir -p $(@)

It's output is:

$ gmake -npqr | grep
all: ../install/
../install/ ../build/ | ../install/.
../build/ ../src/ | ../build/.
$ gmake
mkdir -p ../build/.
cp ../src/ ../build/
mkdir -p ../install/.
cp ../build/ ../install/
rm ../build/

But if I start using absolute paths, things stop working:

.PHONY: all
all: /tmp/yapn/install/

/tmp/yapn/install/ /tmp/yapn/build/ | /tmp/yapn/install/.
        cp $(<) $(@)

/tmp/yapn/build/ /tmp/yapn/src/ | /tmp/yapn/build/.
        cp $(<) $(@)

        mkdir -p $(@)

$ gmake -npqr | grep
gmake: *** No rule to make target `/tmp/yapn/install/', needed by 
`all'.  Stop.
all: /tmp/yapn/install/
$ gmake
gmake: *** No rule to make target `/tmp/yapn/install/', needed by 
`all'.  Stop.

IIRC, there's special treatment for targets that start with '/'.  Can someone 
point me to where in the docs it talks about this, please?


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