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include search path doesn't include $(prefix)/include?

From: Steve Byan
Subject: include search path doesn't include $(prefix)/include?
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 14:58:13 -0500

The gnu make manual states that make will search the prefix/include directory as part of the search path for the include directive, where "prefix" is in italics. I interpreted this to mean that the value of the variable "prefix" is substituted for the italicized "prefix", and the resulting path becomes part of the search path.

However, I'm clearly wrong, because the following makefile snippet results in make complaining that the include file can't be found:

prefix = $(EGEN_BUILD_ROOT)/eng_tools/share

while this works fine:

prefix = $(EGEN_BUILD_ROOT)/eng_tools/share
include $(prefix)/include/

Would someone please explain what the make manual is trying to say about "prefix/include"? Thanks.

Steve Byan <address@hidden>
Software Architect
Egenera, Inc.
165 Forest Street
Marlboro, MA 01752
(508) 858-3125

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