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Re: Embedding Guile

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: Embedding Guile
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 09:27:51 -0400

%% "John Smith" <address@hidden> writes:

  js> When can we expect the Guile integration into GNU make?

  >> There's no scheduled time.

  js> OK, approximately... In a month, year, millenium ?!

Longer than a month, less than a millenium :).  My plan now is for GNU
make 3.81 to be released nearer-term, maybe by the end of the year, with
bug fixes for the 3.80 features (and other bug fixes) and some new ports
(I have an OS/2 and MingW Windows environment port waiting in the
wings), plus maybe a few smaller features.  The release after that will
have one or more larger features.  Whether Guile makes it into 3.81 or
3.82 is not clear yet: it depends on how much work it is to integrate
it, and how many problems we find with 3.80 (the less stable 3.80 is the
more I'd tend to avoid adding potentially disruptive features to that

Also, there's a whole discussion around exactly what "Guile integration"
really means which needs to happen, and that hasn't even started yet.

As an open source software project, I cannot commit GNU make releases to
certain dates, schedules, etc.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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