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Re: treatment of U+002E that is produced by NFKC

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: treatment of U+002E that is produced by NFKC
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 20:22:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.50 (gnu/linux)

"Erik van der Poel" <address@hidden> writes:

>> If I invoke:
>> address@hidden:~$ idn --debug --quiet foo․bar
> Yes, libidn handles this case (ASCIIs followed by U+2024, followed by
> ASCIIs) the same way as the others. Libidn handles the
> <non-ASCII-label>U+2024<ASCII-label> differently. For example, in
> <a href="http://&#x5341;&#x2024;com";>blah</a>

Ah, now it is clear to me what the problem is.  Thanks.

>> The web page for the same input is:
>> This looks correct to me.  What is wrong?
> Try this one instead:
> MSIE 7 and Firefox 2 both end up with while libidn
> produces

Interesting.  As far as I can tell from RFC 3490, I think the libidn
behaviour is what follows from the specification.  The specification
doesn't say anything about treating U+2024 as a label separator that I
could find.  Do you agree with this?  If so, I think the first step is
to update the RFC, and when that is done we can adapt the new behaviour
in libidn.

If libidn implements RFC 3490 incorrectly, we should definitely fix
that.  Right now I don't understand what part of RFC 3490 we implement
incorrectly.  So please explain further how the RFC 3490 language and
libidn differ.

I think one could argue more convincingly that MSIE/Firefox implements
RFC 3490 incorrectly here.  U+2024 isn't a label separator according to
RFC 3490, but they treat it as if it were.


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