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Re: guix shell readline issue with R

From: Edouard Klein
Subject: Re: guix shell readline issue with R
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:58:15 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.2; emacs 28.2

Hy Kyle,

Here is a script that restores the ctrl-C behaviour of R, whithin a guix

I must admit I don't exactly understand the finer points of why it
works, but just trapping SIGINT in the script is enough for R to behave.

My intuition is SIGINT is sent to the whole group. The script interrupts
R. If we trap it in the script, it does nothing. R gets it as well and
acts on it like you expect.

Let me know if the problem still persists.

Here is the script:

#!/usr/bin/env -S guix shell r -- bash
set -m
function ctrlc(){
    # Doing nothing
trap ctrlc SIGINT



Kyle Andrews <> writes:

> Edouard Klein <> writes:
>> Hi Kyle,
>> Running
>> guix shell r
>> and then
>> R
>> will get you the C-c handling you want.
> Hi Edouard,
> I wrote another reply, but forgot to comment on this because I feel like I am 
> missing something here.
> It would be really convenient if I could just write a shell script like that.
> For me the first command hijacks the execution so that the script cannot 
> invoke
> R. Is there a workaround avoiding -- which would let me automate that with a
> script?
> Cheers,
> Kyle

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