;; TODO: sslh? FPM2! Mail! Dmenu conf; packagemanagement; ssh++ linode; ;; webbrowsing w/profiles; aliases/skel; ctrl keys; program for managing ;; dotfiles? gnu something? some way of making a repo with configfiles and ;; having them symlinked to correct places; SKEL! (add-to-load-path "/home/thomas/guixsd/modules/tms") (use-modules (gnu) (gnu system nss) (linux-nonfree) (fpm2)(gnu services cups)) (use-service-modules desktop) (use-package-modules wicd avahi xorg certs wm zip code wget admin emacs tmux ssh linux disk file gnuzilla zile version-control maths guile crypto gnupg password-utils pdf mail rsync suckless linux gnome lxde video xdisorg enlightenment terminals ssh) (operating-system (host-name "hitpoints") (timezone "Europe/Oslo") (locale "en_US.UTF-8") ;(kernel linux-nonfree) (firmware (cons* intel-iwlwifi-firmware-non-free %base-firmware)) (bootloader (grub-configuration (device "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2CT240A4_CVKI246301DN240DGN"))) (swap-devices '("/dev/disk/by-label/swap")) (file-systems (cons* (file-system (device "rootfs") (title 'label) (mount-point "/") (type "ext4")) %base-file-systems)) (issue "Remember Mercury.") (users (list (user-account (name "thomas") (comment "This should be interesting...") (group "users") (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev" "audio" "video" "lp" "net" "lpadmin")) (home-directory "/home/thomas")))) (packages (cons* i3-wm i3status ;desktop environments ;useful tools xterm avahi zip unzip tar tmux htop tree mosh ;wicd the-silver-searcher psmisc wget file strace inotify-tools wgetpaste rsync dmenu openssh xmodmap setxkbmap ; dev git gnu-make ; misc tools units gnuplot xclip xkill ; media video audio music images aumix mps-youtube mpv alsa-utils ; terminal emulators xterm st termite terminology ; crypto & security tomb gnupg pwgen ;;fpm2 nss-certs ;for HTTPS access xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-intel xf86-input-synaptics ; web browser icecat ; email claws-mail ; emacs emacs emacs-guix emacs-magit-popup emacs-smart-mode-line emacs-rainbow-delimiters emacs-rainbow-identifiers emacs-scheme-complete emacs-neotree emacs-ag flycheck emacs-undo-tree emacs-fill-column-indicator emacs-scheme-complete emacs-pdf-tools emacs-solarized-theme geiser guile-2.0 ; pdf zathura zathura-cb zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-ps %base-packages)) ;; Use the "desktop" services, which include the X11 ;; log-in service, networking with Wicd, and more. (services (cons* (console-keymap-service "us") (cups-service-type (cups-configuration (web-interface? #t) (browsing? #t) (default-paper-size "a4"))) ;;(dhcp-client-service) %desktop-services)) ;; Allow resolution of '.local' host names with mDNS. (name-service-switch %mdns-host-lookup-nss) )