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Re: Is it possible to install GRUB (legacy) to a raw filesystem without

From: Ottavio
Subject: Re: Is it possible to install GRUB (legacy) to a raw filesystem without partition table?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:59:30 +0100

On 26 March 2011 21:45, Robert Wolf <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Mar 2011, Ottavio wrote:

>> Note the /dev/sdc instead of /dev/sdc1
>> Note also that there's no grub on Slackware, only LILO.
> *** What about to mount this image and copy whole content to real partition?

Yes, I could do that and it would probably work, but I wanted to be
sure that it was not possible to install Grub to raw filesystem
without partition table

> *** You don't have to install other boot loader, if you have already one
> installed for your slackware. You need only to configure, where the boot 
> loader
> finds the kernel and initrd.

Of course I can, I actually am  LILO fanboy, but I just wanted to
teach myself how to use Grub.


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