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how do I find the port number used after a return from accept()

From: mathews20
Subject: how do I find the port number used after a return from accept()
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 13:02:16 -0400

I'm trying to determine what port is being used on the server side after calling accept and it returning with a new file descriptor.
the man page for accept() says:
     The accept function is used with  connection-based  socket
     types  (SOCK_STREAM,  SOCK_SEQPACKET  and  SOCK_RDM).   It
     extracts the first connection  request  on  the  queue  of
     pending  connections,  creates a new connected socket with
     mostly the same properties as s, and allocates a new  file
     descriptor  for  the socket, which is returned.  The newly
     created socket is no longer in the listening  state.   The
     original  socket  s  is unaffected by this call. Note that
     any per file descriptor flags (everything that can be  set
are not inherited across an accept. Ok, so I'm establishing a listen port, and as I understand it when a connection/data request comes in the accept returns with a "new connected socket". So I would assume this new socket is using a different port other than the original that is being listened on. I've tried calling [on the return descriptor from accept()]
clientFD = accept(serverFD, NULL, NULL);
getsockname(clientFD, (struct sockaddr *)&tempt, (socklen_t *)&length_t);
cout << htons(tempt.sin_port) << endl; but tempt.sin_port keeps showing the original port that serverFD was established with rather than a different port. I've always understood the port number was used by the network code to route incoming data to the proper file descriptor. So wouldn't that mean there will be a different port used by the accept()s return file descriptor? Or am I doing something wrong in trying to get the correct port number.

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