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Re: Win32: error compiling ProjectCenter.. GNUstep.conf is not absolute

From: Tom Koelman
Subject: Re: Win32: error compiling ProjectCenter.. GNUstep.conf is not absolute path..
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 03:13:18 +0100

On Mar 17, 2006, at 1:12 AM, Alex Perez wrote:

Mike x wrote:
I ran the Win32 installer. I think it doesn't include
Gorm or ProjectCenter.

No, it does not. And yes, it should. It will in the future. Greg is working on better win32 support. The GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FILE issue you describe below has been fixed in SVN and was a win32-only bug in the released version of the GNUstep windows installer that you downloaded. It is my understanding that a revised, fully-functional version of the windows installer is in the works. Please stay tuned. I have CC'ed Tom Koelman, the win32 installer maintainer, so he has the opportunity to correct me if I'm wrong.

As soon as the next GNUstep release is done a fixed installer will be released as well. It might be a bit delayed though, because in the next two weeks I will not be near a computer.

It should! Packagers, please make an installer that
includes: #1: Binaries, so it doesn't take an hour
compile when installing,

It already does.

#2: everything on the GNUstep
download page, including GUI development tools.

I am not sure whether this is the way to go. I think I'd prefer additional installers instead of one mega-installer.

Tom Koelman

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