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Re: [Help-gnucap] Several problems: convergence failure, segment fault,

From: Rubén Gómez Antolí
Subject: Re: [Help-gnucap] Several problems: convergence failure, segment fault, params error
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2010 00:31:06 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20091109)


al davis escribió:
On Friday 05 February 2010, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:
1· Problems with params:

gnucap> param periodo=50us
gnucap> param llano=0.7*periodo
param llano=0.7*periodo
                ^ ? syntax error

According to wiki page (0) are correct, but fails.

For now, put it in quotes, as Hspice requires.

Without quotes, the parser sees it as a number, not as an expression. If you put the variable first it works.

Ok, it runs:

gnucap> param llano=periodo*0.7
gnucap> eval llano
llano= 35.E-6
gnucap> param alto='0.3*periodo'
gnucap> eval alto
alto= 15.E-6

I need to look into what is the correct behavior. In spice syntax, common sense doesn't always apply.

In certain point of view, is a "language issue", english are order inverter that spanish, even in this numerical case. For me, is easiest think in modifier*variable than variable*modifier, and I think that is common for me view in these order (at class, books, etc). (Only my opinion).

2· Convergence failure:


Non-recoverable convergence errors in transient analysis are usually caused by a bifurcation in the response of a circuit. In this case, you have a switch driven by a fast changing signal, and settings that do not allow sufficient resolution in time, so it alternates between on and off. You need to either make VG slower or dtmin faster. Since I doubt if your circuit really has 1 ps response, I recommend making VG slower by setting rise and fall to something close to what a real circuit does.

Thanks so much for your tips (I encounter it many educational), it runs setting lower rise and fall time.

3· Segment fault


gnucap> alter D1 (0 3) D
gnucap> print tran v(*) i(l1)
Violación de segmento

Will help a strace output of this?

There is both a bug and a user error.

The user error is that alter doesn't work that way. (although maybe it should).

For what you want to do, delete the old D1 and make a new one.

The bug is that gnucap should have given you a reasonable error message and not crashed.

Alter is one of those spice commands that is implemented in a different incompatible way in different versions of spice.

This is my fault, I think that alter can be used in this way, sorry about.

Thanks for all again.

Salud y Revolución.

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para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
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