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[Help-gnu-radius] Re: Strange Error Message

From: Roger E McClurg
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] Re: Strange Error Message
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 09:39:52 -0500


That must have been it. I killed all processes and restarted. After 
restart the message was gone.  I have always had this message about SNMP:
    SNMP bind: Address already in use

What is up with this one?

I don't know if I thanked you and the others on this list who have helped 
me through the learning curve with GNU Radius. If not, THANKS!!! The help 
is really appreciated. 


Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
11/12/2003 09:19 AM
        To:     Roger E McClurg/CEG/address@hidden
        cc:     "Gerald" <address@hidden>, address@hidden
        Subject:        Re: Strange Error Message

Roger E McClurg <address@hidden> wrote:

> Nov 12 21:54:14 INSIST FAILURE: input->fd_max >= 0 at input.c:238

Check if you see the following messages before this one:

 AUTH bind: Address already in use
 ACCT bind: Address already in use

If so, this means that you have another copy of radiusd running.


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