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Re: Unicode characters for transcribing to pdf

From: Alessandro Bertulli
Subject: Re: Unicode characters for transcribing to pdf
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2022 12:54:02 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.9; emacs 29.0.50 writes:

> Why does it say "Package auctex is available obsolete."

That's very strange. Did you say you installed AUCTeX using package.el
(the Emacs default package manager)? Can you please try:
- M-x list-packages
- U (to mark for update)
- x, then y (to actually update)
- g (to refresh the contents)

Then see if the message still pops up.
Moreover, have you configured any other package archives? Have you only
ELPA? Or did you add, for instance, MELPA, or Marmelade?


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