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tabulated-list-mode: how to activate button?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: tabulated-list-mode: how to activate button?
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2020 03:36:54 +0300

I have reported this as bug, but maybe somebody has solution as I need
help to extend Hyperscope dynamic knowledge repository.

Here I am defining new `my-mode' child of `tabulated-list-mode'

(define-derived-mode my-mode tabulated-list-mode "Choice" "Choice Mode"
  (setq tabulated-list-padding 1)
  (setq tabulated-list-format  [("Title" 60 t) ("Button" 20 t)])

Then I wish to create a button as described in
{C-h v tabulated-list-entries RET}

Entries displayed in the current Tabulated List buffer.
This should be either a function, or a list.
If a list, each element has the form (ID [DESC1 ... DESCN]),
 - ID is nil, or a Lisp object uniquely identifying this entry,
   which is used to keep the cursor on the "same" entry when
   rearranging the list.  Comparison is done with ‘equal’.

 - Each DESC is a column descriptor, one for each column
   specified in ‘tabulated-list-format’.  A descriptor is either
   a string, which is printed as-is, or a list (LABEL . PROPS),
   which means to use ‘insert-text-button’ to insert a text
   button with label LABEL and button properties PROPS.
   The string, or button label, must not contain any newline.

(defun my-display ()
  (let* ((buffer "Choice")
         (buffer (get-buffer-create buffer)))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
    (setq tabulated-list-entries '((1 ["Something" ("Button" 'action (lambda 
(b) (message "Hello")) 'font-lock-face 'link 'follow-link t)])))
    (tabulated-list-print t)))
When activated this function shows the button, but I cannot activate
the button.

(my-display) ;; This will not activate the button as I cannot see "Hello"

;; while this works fine and I can see "Hello" when button is activated
(insert-text-button "Button" 'action (lambda (b) (message "Hello")))

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