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Re: Expanding list into string within a command

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Expanding list into string within a command
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2020 23:30:43 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* arthur miller <> [2020-12-06 22:57]:
> "So I was thinking to use macro that will expand the list within a command."
> Try smth like this:
> (my-macro (command &rest list)
>   (dolist (item `,@list)
>     (dosnth with your list item here)))
> Kind of, if that is what yiu want, I am not sure really what you are after 
> here, but I use that as an idiom quite a lot.

Thank you.

I had to use `apply' when passing `args' that I get from &rest

Now I have made the function better that takes input as string,
processes outside command and returns output as string:

(defun rcd-command-output-from-input (program input &rest args)
  "Returns output from PROGRAM INPUT with optional ARGS"
  (let* ((output (with-temp-buffer
                  (insert input)
                  (apply #'call-process-region nil nil program t t nil args)

Which is also handy for some text processing like:

(defun markdown (text)
  (rcd-command-output-from-input "markdown" text))

(markdown "## Hello")

Then I have improved the generic function to accept any `cs2cs'
format which is tool for conversion of geographic coordinates:

(defun syogm-cs2cs (coord-string &rest cs2cs-format)
  (let* ((command "cs2cs")
         (cs2cs (apply #'rcd-command-output-from-input command coord-string 
         (output (string-trim cs2cs))
         (output (split-string output "\t"))
         (lat (pop output))
         (output (split-string (car output) " "))
         (lon (pop output)))
    (format "%s %s" lat lon)))

And now this works:

(syogm-cs2cs "5d15'57.76\"S 35d8'22.65\"E" "-f" "%.6f" "+proj=latlong" 
"+datum=WGS84" "+to" "+proj=latlong" "+datum=WGS84")

Then I can make new functions like:

(defun syogm-dms2dd (coord-string)
  "Convert DMS degree, minutes and seconds notation to DD decimal notation"
  (syogm-cs2cs coord-string "-f" "%.6f" "+proj=latlong" "+datum=WGS84" "+to" 
"+proj=latlong" "+datum=WGS84"))

Then it converts to acceptable result from degree, minutes,
seconds to decimal notation:

(syogm-dms2dd "5d15'57.76\"S 35d8'22.65\"E")
"-5.266044 35.139625"

as then I can convert Ugandan UTM zone 36N with geodetic datum
ARC1960 easier to WGS84 system used on mobile devices and maps of

(defun syogm-convert-arc-1964-utm-36N-to-wgs-84 (earthing-northing)
  "Converts UTM Zone 36N Arc 1960 geodetic datum to WGS84"
  (syogm-cs2cs earthing-northing "-f" "%.5f" "EPSG:21096" "EPSG:4326"))

(syogm-convert-arc-1964-utm-36N-to-wgs-84 "137878 -125964")
"-1.14052 29.74755"

Which is final result I wanted to get, as only so I can request
download of maps from online providers.

Although I have been doing that conversion myself with Common Lisp already, but 
now I just wish to use external tool.

(defun ll-number (d)
  (let ((l (- (length d) 1)))
    (if (integerp (read-from-string (first-char d)))
        (substring d 0 l)

(defun ll-parts (coord)
  (let ((ll-list (split-by-one-space coord)))
    (delete-if #'string-emptyp ll-list)
    (setf ll-list (map 'list #'(lambda (s) (string-trim '(#\Space) s)) ll-list))
    (setf ll-list (map 'list #'(lambda (s) (ll-number s)) ll-list))

(defun dms2dd-degrees (d)
  (truncate d))

(defun dms2dd-minutes (m)
  (float (/ m 60)))

(defun dms2dd-seconds (s)
  (float (/ s 3600)))

(defun dms2dd (coord)
  (let* ((ll-list (ll-parts coord))
         (degrees (car ll-list))
         (minutes (cadr ll-list))
         (seconds (caddr ll-list))
         (cardinal (cadddr ll-list))
         (dd (+ (dms2dd-degrees (read-from-string degrees))
                (dms2dd-minutes (read-from-string minutes))
                (dms2dd-seconds (read-from-string seconds)))))
         (if (or (string= "S" cardinal) (string= "W" cardinal))
             (- dd)

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