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new help message in Emacs 25

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: new help message in Emacs 25
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 02:01:53 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1 (gnu/linux)

Whenever I do M-x and type a command name and
have it executed, it says, if, for example, the
command is 'insert-date', that, you can also
run it with

    M-x i-da RET

I like the similar message when there is a key
assigned to the command, that makes sense to
me, but this doesn't as it creates a third
"name" or whatever for the command in my brain.

I want it to be either explicit, or key, or
explicit with a reminder of the key.

This half-baked version is neither
muscle memory/finger habits *nor*
literal memory ('insert-date' I can read,
write, and remember, but what is 'i-da'?)

TEHO obviously, so my question is, how do
I disable this hint w/o disabling the
"key hint" version as well?

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