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Re: pari.el : Process stty in windows ?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: pari.el : Process stty in windows ?
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:27:08 +0200

> From: Ramare <ramare@invalid>
> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 10:57:23 +0100
>    In pari.el under unix/linux, I use the following function:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> (defun gp-get-shell (process-name process-buffer-name cmd)
>      "Explicit. Aimed at command gp+parameters."
>      (let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
>        (setenv "TERM"    "emacs")
>        (setenv "PAGER"   "cat")
>        (setenv "LINES"   "1000")
>        (setenv "COLUMNS" (number-to-string (window-width)))
>        (start-process process-name process-buffer-name
>                       shell-file-name
>                       shell-command-switch
>                       (concat "stty -echo onlret; " cmd))))
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> with cmd = "/usr/bin/gp -s 10000000 -p 500000 --emacs" for instance.
> Windows even with gnuwin32 complains quite a lot.
> It seems that stty exists but "onlret" is unknown and the ";" does not 
> seem to be recognized.
> As a matter of fact I am the maintainer of pariemacs, but I have only 
> unix at work/home and don't know nothing about windows. it worked well 
> for a long time until recently I had a user from the windows world 
> trying to get everything to work. The script editing work, only calling 
> gp in an inferior shell bugs.
> The error message says that "onlret;" is an invalid argument of stty 
> (notice the ";").
> If we remove the stty part, gp is indeed called but dies with a gentle 
> "Goodbye !" (without the prompt even to be seen).
> I'm hard put to correct such a thing. So if anyone has an idea, I'll 
> edit it for my user. I guess such a patch would be very useful for many 
> others, so I'll publish it, though I'm definitely no friend of windows --

AFAIK, "stty onlret" will never work on Windows, as long as you use
the standard system shell.  You can ignore the fact that you have some
stty.exe, it won't do what you want, because that functionality is
simply not supported.

Please explain why you need that command, maybe there's an equivalent

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