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Re: How to bring previous-buffer to cycle through the full list of buffe

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: How to bring previous-buffer to cycle through the full list of buffers
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 08:01:41 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0

Am 07.05.2015 um 16:42 schrieb Jürgen Hartmann:
Thank you, Andreas Roehler, for your suggestion:

Not exactly what you are asking for:

AFAIU it's about to jump back to a certain buffer.
Not exactly, I meant cycling through all available buffers.

In use here are a kind of hard-coded registers.

Like that:

(defun gehe-zu-register-x (&optional arg)
    "With  C-u: Puffer merken"
    (interactive "P")
    (if arg
      (window-configuration-to-register ?x)
      (message "%s" "Fenster mit \[C-kp-1] oder \\C-x j x erreichbar"))
      (jump-to-register ?x)
      (message "%s"   "Mit Arg.: Puffer merken")))


(global-set-key [(control kp-1)] 'gehe-zu-register-x)

I.e. C-u C-kp-1 stores it.
This implements a nice bookmark functionality. But as said before, my focus
is on cycling trough all buffers. It is very much like previous-buffer already
does, but it should bring up all buffers.

The background is that I typically have a more or less fixed arrangement of
windows--one larger one on the right half of the screen to do the actual edit
stuff, some smaller ones in a vertical split of the left hand side--and just
want to quickly alter the buffer that any of these windows shows.

Of course one could use switch-to-buffer and enter the respective buffer's
name, but if there are not so much buffers it is faster to quickly cycle
through all of them until the right one is shown.


Thank you very much.



Hmm, when it is about to restore some older windows configuration, previous-buffer and the like will not do it, as being volatile.

You could use result of (current-window-configuration) similar to registered positions as shown.

Then (set-window-configuration MY-last-window-configuration), now jumping to subsequent stores.



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