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Re: Moving between headers in message-mode

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Moving between headers in message-mode
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 00:17:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

Did I correctly boil it down to:

1) Don't use setq
2) Don't use let let unless you complete the name-value
association (i.e., don't set it up to be assigned later)

(As for style, I haven't got around to that, will do. I *think* I
picked up mine mostly from a book called "The Land of Lisp".)

What do you think of:

;; separator
(set-variable 'mail-header-separator "---")
(set-face-attribute 'message-separator nil :foreground "black")

(defun do-nothing () "Do nothing." () )
(defun iterate-header (separator-pos
                       start-pos end-pos
  "Unless BACK, go to the next header input field:
either on the same line as the present point,
or the next header below.
If the field has a string, put point to the string's right;
if the field is empty, put point so that typing will set the header,
without any prior cursor movement.
If you move from a header which has data, that data is expanded if
found to be an `abbrev-mode' abbreviation (possibly setup in
~/.mailrc), without need for a whitespace.
If there are no headers left, `message-goto-body';
if already in the body, goto the topmost header."
  (let ((position (point)))
    (if (< position separator-pos)
          (goto-char position)
          (expand-abbrev) )
      (goto-char start-pos) )
    (funcall maybe-beginning-of-line)
    (if (not (funcall search-fun ":" end-pos t))
        (forward-char chars-forward-after-hit)
        (end-of-line) ))))

(defun get-separator-pos ()
  "Get the position of `mail-header-separator'."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (search-forward mail-header-separator)
    (point) ))

(defun iterate-header-back ()
  "See `iterate-header'."
  (let ((separator-pos (get-separator-pos)))
     separator-pos (point-min)
     'beginning-of-line) ))
(defun iterate-header-next ()
  "See `iterate-header'."
  (let ((separator-pos (get-separator-pos)))
     (point-min) separator-pos
     'do-nothing) ))

(define-key message-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'iterate-header-next)
(define-key message-mode-map (kbd "<backtab>") 'iterate-header-back)

Emanuel Berg - programmer (hire me! CV below)
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