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Re: Mouse support does not work

From: Aaron Meurer
Subject: Re: Mouse support does not work
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:49:28 -0700

On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Drew Adams <> wrote:
>> The problem I'm encountering is that when I scroll by the smallest
>> amount with the mouse, it scrolls by two lines.  I have the
>> mouse-wheel-scroll-amount set to 1.
> I'm no expert on this - perhaps someone else can help more.
> But if the value of `mouse-wheel-scroll-amount' is 1 (or 2 etc.) then that is
> wrong.  It needs to be an alist or a number representing the fraction of the
> screen to scroll.

OK, it's not literally the integer 1.  It's (mouse-wheel-scroll-amount
(quote (1))), which I did set through customize.

> Use `M-x customize-option' to change the option - do not just `setq' it to an
> integer value.  Read the variable's doc (`C-h v').
>> If I set it to 2, it scrolls by
>> 4, and so on.  vim does the same thing, so I suspect that what's
>> happening is that a single scroll is being reported as two.
>> But the
>> only way to be sure would be to get something that echos all
>> keystrokes, so I could see if a single scroll is really being reported
>> as two mouse-5 events.  C-h k won't work for this, because it only
>> would show the first such event (if my theory is correct).
> Wrt keystroke echoing, you can use `echo-keystrokes', as I mentioned.
> You also have `C-h l', to see the last 100 keystrokes.

echo-keystrokes only seems to work within some lisp code, which I
unfortunately am not good enough with yet to do anything useful.  C-h
l doesn't seem to show mouse events.

Aaron Meurer

>> Actually, I think I figured out that it's correct anyway, because I
>> did C-h k and then scrolled up, and it showed me the help for mouse-5
>> *and then* scrolled the document up by exactly one line.
>> So I'll be reporting this as a bug to iTerm2.  I'll post back here if
>> I find a solution.

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