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Gnus for Mail (was: Anyone gone from mutt to Emacs? was: Re: Moving from

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Gnus for Mail (was: Anyone gone from mutt to Emacs? was: Re: Moving from Thunderbird to Emacs for mail and calendar)
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:03:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

On Wed, Oct 14 2009, Jonathan Groll wrote:

> (0) Work out how to NOT have to subscribe to my inbox every time I
> start gnus!

This shouldn't be necessary.  Maybe you are doing something wrong.

> (1) Configure my summary INBOX buffer so that it shows the columns I
> want and is sorted like I want

,----[ (info "(gnus)Summary Buffer Lines") ]
| 3.1.1 Summary Buffer Lines
| --------------------------
| You can change the format of the lines in the summary buffer by changing
| the `gnus-summary-line-format' variable.

,----[ (info "(gnus)Sorting the Summary Buffer") ]
| 3.10 Sorting the Summary Buffer
| ===============================
| If you are using a threaded summary display, you can sort the threads by
| setting `gnus-thread-sort-functions', which can be either a single
| function, a list of functions, or a list containing functions and `(not
| some-function)' elements.
| [...]
|    If you are using an unthreaded display for some strange reason or
| other, you have to fiddle with the `gnus-article-sort-functions'
| variable.  It is very similar to the `gnus-thread-sort-functions',
| except that it uses slightly different functions for article
| comparison.

> (2) Get BBDB address completion working

(require 'bbdb)
(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message)

> (3) Do something about mail indexing

,----[ (info "(gnus)Searching") ]
| 2.18 Searching
| ==============
| * Menu:
| * nnir::                     Searching on IMAP, with swish, namazu, etc.
| * nnmairix::                 Searching maildir, MH or mbox with Mairix.

> (4) Work out how to read HTML mails that people send me with w3m

w3m is the default (in the current Gnus version) if w3m (the binary)
and/or emacs-w3m are installed.

,----[ (info "(emacs-mime)Display Customization") ]
| `mm-text-html-renderer'
|      This selects the function used to render HTML.  The predefined
|      renderers are selected by the symbols `w3', `w3m'(1), `links',
|      `lynx', `w3m-standalone' or `html2text'.  If `nil' use an external
|      viewer.  You can also specify a function, which will be called
|      with a MIME handle as the argument.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |

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