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RE: clearing bookmark list

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: clearing bookmark list
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 09:43:08 -0700

> How can I clear bookmark list
> i know i can delete item by item with bookmark-detete.
> but if i have large number of bookmarks,
> Is there any method to clear all the bookmarks and start from fresh
> new empty bookmark list ?

This is easy if you use Icicles. Multi-command `icicle-bookmark' visits one or
more bookmarks, but it also lets you delete one or more. During completion of
candidate bookmark names:

* Your minibuffer input filters the names of the bookmarks you can visit (or

* You can cycle among the bookmark names that match your input, to choose which
bookmarks to visit (or to delete).

* `S-delete' on the current completion candidate deletes that bookmark. (`C-RET'
visits it.)

* `C-u S-delete' deletes ALL of the bookmarks that match your current input,
that is, all bookmark names in *Completions*.

So, for example, if you want to delete all bookmarks, then just hit `C-u
S-delete' after invoking `icicle-bookmark'. If you have typed no input, then all
bookmarks are matched, so all are deleted.

If you want to delete all bookmarks whose names contain `foobar', then type
`foobar' and hit `C-u S-delete'. If you want to delete all bookmarks whose names
contain both `foo' and `bar', in either order, then type `foo', hit `S-SPC',
type `bar', and hit `C-u S-delete'.

You can also use regexps as input patterns. And you can change your input at any
time to delete (or visit) a different set of bookmarks - all within the same
`icicle-bookmark' invocation.

By default (customizable), Icicle mode remaps the bindings of standard command
`bookmark-set' so they invoke `icicle-bookmark-cmd', which invokes
`icicle-bookmark' if you use a negative prefix arg, or `bookmark-set' otherwise:
`C-x r m' still invokes `bookmark-set', but `C-- C-x r m' invokes
`icicle-bookmark'. So to delete all bookmarks: `C-- C-x r m C-u S-delete'.

The same mechanism is available for deleting buffers, files, directories,
kill-ring entries, history entries, markers, saved regions,.... When you
complete their names (e.g. during a command to visit them), you can use
`S-delete' to delete one or more of them selectively.

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