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Re: Force spaces instead of tabs

From: Hadron Quark
Subject: Re: Force spaces instead of tabs
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:43:18 +0200

"Martin" <> writes:

> I need to have emacs indent C++ code using only spaces, and no tab
> characters.
> I edited the options in the Programming/Languages/C group so that:
> C Basic Offset is 3
> C Tab Always Indent is "always indents"
> C Insert Tab Function is "insert-tab"
> C Syntactic Indentation is non-nil
> C Offsets Alist: substatement-open is 0
> In many cases, the indentation is correct, but when I have several
> levels of sub-statements, tab characters are inserted anyway. See the
> example below. What other options control this behaviour?
> void B::e()
> {
>    if ()
>    {
>       ;
>       if ()
>       {
>        ; // tab character at beginning of this line!
>       }
>       ;
>    }
> }

My C programming .el file has the following section - the 6th line is
probably what you are looking for - (setq indent-tabs-mode nil).

| (defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
|   (c-set-style "K&R")      ; offset customizations not in my-c-style
|   (setq tab-width 3) ;; change this to taste, this is what K&R uses :)
|   (my-build-tab-stop-list tab-width)
|   (setq c-basic-offset tab-width)
|   (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
|   (defun find-tag-noconfirm ()
|     (interactive)
|     (find-tag (find-tag-default)))
|   (defun find-tag-repeat ()
|     (interactive)
|     (find-tag nil t nil))
|   (defun jump-man-page ()
|     (interactive)
|     (manual-entry (current-word)))
|   (setq Man-notify-method 'newframe)
|   (let ((dl '(
|           ([f1] . jump-man-page)
|           ([f5] . find-tag-noconfirm)
|           ([f6] . find-tag-repeat)
|           ([f7] . pop-tag-mark)
|           ([f2] . gdb-restore-windows)
|           ([f10] . compile)
|           ([f11] . next-error)
|           ([f12] . gdba))))
|     (dolist (i dl)
|       (define-key c-mode-map (car i) (cdr i))))
| )
| (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

The last line is probably of interest to you.


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