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Re: replacing endline

From: Fredrik Bulow
Subject: Re: replacing endline
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 00:43:46 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

>> I don't see why this behavior shouldn't be labeled as a bug.
>if you label that behavior as a bug, then you have introduced two
>"bugs", not just one.  the first bug is in your mental model of how
>emacs should work, and the second, the one labeled as suggested.  if
>you pre-emptively fix the first bug, perhaps the second bug will, as a
>result, vanish as well.
>applying the above thought process to various behaviors, you may
>be able to find and remove many bugs in the future.  good luck!

Thanks for that totally uncalled for insult. Of course, any bug can be
removed by changing your expectations on how a program should behave
to the way a program actually behaves. "It's not a bug that something
crashes, it is suppose to crash, and how do I know that? Well, I tried
and it crashed!." Usually, if something behaves in an unexpected way I
think it is a bug unless there is a good reason why the current
behaviour makes more sense than what I expected. I was kind of hoping
that someone would give me the good reason why there should be two
different behaviours.

So once again, what is the good reason that (query-replace "\n" "#")
behave differenty than calling the same function with its keybinding
and providing it interactively with the same arguments?


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