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Re: list-buffers - winwod-height

From: Rares Vernica
Subject: Re: list-buffers - winwod-height
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 16:21:17 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

I guess I can extend this to other secondary buffers, like *Help* or *Python Output*.

Is there a way to uniformly specify the default height of a secondary buffer like these?


Kevin Rodgers wrote:
Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
In <e0rp4e$11a$> Rares Vernica wrote:

How can I set the default height of the list-buffers window?

There seems to be no way other than using your own command.
How about this?

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(setq my-list-buffers-window-height 16)

(defun my-list-buffers (&optional files-only)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((buffer (list-buffers-noselect files-only)))
    (display-buffer buffer)
    (enlarge-window (max (- (window-height (get-buffer-window buffer))
             (- window-min-height (window-height))))))

(substitute-key-definition 'list-buffers 'my-list-buffers global-map)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Otherwise, you can use the `special-display-buffer-names'
variable if you'd like to pop up a frame.  For example:

(add-to-list 'special-display-buffer-names
         '("*Buffer List*" (height . 16) (width . 80)))

Here's another way to implement that:

(defvar list-buffers-window-height 16)

(defadvice list-buffers (after window-height activate)
  "Make the *Buffer List* window `list-buffers-window-height' lines high."
  (when (interactive-p)
(enlarge-window (max (- (window-height (get-buffer-window "*Buffer List*"))
             (- window-min-height (window-height))))))

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