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Re: advising jde-compile -- a better way?

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: advising jde-compile -- a better way?
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 15:43:10 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040916)

Joe Casadonte wrote:
> jde-compile prompts me to save buffers before compiling, a practice
> that I find personally annoying.

(setq compilation-ask-about-save nil)


(add-hook 'java-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-ask-about-save) nil)))

> I've come up with the following, but it seems ugly:
> (defadvice jde-compile (around jde-compile-no-save-prompt act)
>   "Supresses the save-buffer prompting."
> (fset 'save-some-buffers-old-fn-def (symbol-function 'save-some-buffers))
>    (fset 'save-some-buffers 'ignore)
>    ad-do-it
> (fset 'save-some-buffers (symbol-function 'save-some-buffers-old-fn-def)))
> Is there a better or more elegant way to accomplish the same thing?

It sure is ugly.  First, you should use a local variable binding instead
of a global function binding to save the original definition, and you
should make sure to restore the original binding in case of an error:

(defadvice jde-compile (around ignore-save-some-buffers activate)
  "Don't call `save-some-buffers'."
  (let ((save-some-buffers (symbol-function 'save-some-buffers)))
    (fset 'save-some-buffers 'ignore)
      (fset 'save-some-buffers save-some-buffers))))

The flet Common Lisp emulation macro basically does that.

Kevin Rodgers

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