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Trying to install gnats on Fedora Core 2

From: Petri Garagorri G.
Subject: Trying to install gnats on Fedora Core 2
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 11:53:07 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

Hello fellows!

I've been trying to install gnats4 on Fedora Core2, but so far no luck.

I have followed what gnats4 documentation says to install it. I currently have a working installation on a Redhat 7.3 machine, so I've copied almost all config files from that machine to the one with FC2, I've changed all those lines that reference stuff from the 7.3 machine so now they reference
stuff on the FC2 machine.

But when I try the telnet /host/ 1529 thing i get the "Connection closed by foreign host." message.
(It's not a firewall thing since i disabled it but still get the message)

I tried with gnatsweb, executing the command:
/make test USERNAME=gnats PASSWORD=kiLLer7 DATABASE=cissdb/

...and I get:


Gnatsweb was unable to connect to the GNATS server.

There are several possible reasons for this.  Start off by checking
that the USERNAME, PASSWORD and DATABASE parameters you supplied are
valid.  If they are, there may be a problem in the configuration of
your GNATS server.  Check your GNATS installation, particularly the
host access files (remember that the web server needs access to the
GNATS server), then run the tests again.

make: *** [test] Error 9
*I ran the configure script like this:*
configure --prefix=/usr/local/gnats4 --with-gnats-service=ciss-gnats --with-gnats-default-db=/usr/local/gnats4/com/cissdb


*On the gnatsd.user_access file we have:*
gnats:$0$kiLLer7:admin: <- gnats is also a user on the system, with his home dir on the same machine where I'm trying to install GNATS

*My databases file says:*
default:Bug database:/usr/local/gnats4/com/cissdb
cissdb:CISS Bug database:/usr/local/gnats4/com/cissdb

*My gnats.host_access file says:* <- I changed this to but still got the same results *.*:deny: <- I commented this one but I still got the same results I even changed from /none/ to /edit/...but still no luck

*the services (on /etc) file says:
*ciss-gnats 1529/tcp prmsd gnatsd # GNATS, cygnus bug tracker*
*and the ciss-gnats file on /etc/xinetd.d contains*
service ciss-gnats
       disable = no
       socket_type = stream
       protocol = tcp
       wait = no
       user = gnats
       server = /usr/local/gnats4/libexec/gnats/gnatsd
       server_args = gnatsd

Thx a lot in advance!

PD: Has somebody installed GNATS on FC2 and succeeded?

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