On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Andrew Makhorin
<address@hidden> wrote:
> > MIP optimzers are not fast solvers for constraint programming
> problems.
> That's a shame.
> What would you suggest for solving a 10x10x10 binary array subject to
> ~200 restrictions?
> It's not suitable for DLX.
> Also, I suspect that any insights I have into my problems will not
> improve on the T-D heuristic.
If your instance is pure 0-1 and all constraint coefficients are
integer, you may try to solve it with the minisat solver supported by
glpsol. You need to specify the '--minisat' option, in which case glpsol
transforms your instance to a satisfiability problem and solves the
latter with minisat. For more details please see the glpk reference
manual. See also an example model (the "paint-by-numbers" puzzle) in the
subdirectory glpk/examples/pbn.