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Re: yylex and yy_scan_string()

From: Nicolas Peyrussie
Subject: Re: yylex and yy_scan_string()
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 09:17:28 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (X11/20041127)


After your answers and some rest about flex (I needed it !), I tried again to make my code work.
So now it is working quite well, using multiple input buffer, with yy_scan_string(), yy_switch_to_buffer() and yy_flush_buffer().
Thank you very much for your help.

Frederico Mameri wrote:
Nicolas Peyrussie <nicolas.peyrussie <at>> writes:

So the trouble is that the parser stops instead of continuing on the
rest of the input.
How can I avoid this problem ? The point is that I can't create
temporary files (I want to use just the html page as FILE in yyin)
because many instances of the program will run in the same time and it
would write in the same file the tokens for different html pages.

I thank you in advance for your answers.


I can't tell for sure.
But I think that yy_scan_string does not change the start condition.
And you should also delete the buffer with 'yy_delete_buffer()' when you're done
with it.
Let me know if it works!

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