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Solving >> issue in templates

From: Adam Smalin
Subject: Solving >> issue in templates
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 21:48:48 -0500

As we know in C++ there is a issue when doing something like this

    List<List<int>> listOfInts

The problem is >> is seen as a shift token rather then a > token. How would
I solve this? My first thought was what if I check for two > for a shift?
Well... It looks fine, no conflicts but now I need to deal with presence
but luckily its very close

    a << b < c << d < e << f

When it should be

    (a << b) < (c << d) < (e << f)

What I suspect it is

    (((((a << b) < c) << d) < e) << f)

This will feel weird to many. What kind of DSL does comparing before

How do I restore order so << happens before <? I could put some logic in my
AST and fix it up before parsing but... that seems like the solution I
should do if no other choices exist. What can I do? I am unsure how I could
write this. All my tokens uses %left %right like the docs suggest and my
very many rule bison file has worked well.

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