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From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: 3DLDF
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 20:25:12 +0200

At 11:30 +0200 2004/08/14, Laurence Finston wrote:
>> And b-splines are (as opposed to splines or Bexier curves)? And what
>> non-rational and uniform mean here?
>"B" stands for "beta", but I don't know what "beta" refers to.

You can find a definition of NURBS curves at
It seems that the b-splines you are speaking about are just the higher
degree (>3) polynomial maps
    f: sigma^n -> R^n
I suggested with n = 3. Then the NURBS curves are just a class such curves
when n = 4 projected down to dimension 3.

The generalization in algebraic geometry would be rational maps.

  Hans Aberg

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