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Re: bug in post-1.33 version?

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: bug in post-1.33 version?
Date: 22 Apr 2002 11:03:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

>>>>> "Yuri" == Yuri van Oers <address@hidden> writes:

Yuri> On 19 Apr 2002, Akim Demaille wrote:

>> >>>>> "Yuri" == Yuri van Oers <address@hidden> writes:
Yuri> My program, compiled with 1.33 on my PC, works fine.  But after
Yuri> I compiled it with 1.35 on my laptop, I get a lot of Parser
Yuri> Stack Overflows.
>> We need to know more about your grammar and parser input.
>> The stack no longer grows automatically when Bison cannot know if
>> growing the stack is sane.  For instance, it is not in the case of
>> C++.  Therefore, if you happen use the Bison C parsers in C++, you
>> might find this problem.

Yuri> My grammar describes VBScript. The language isn't typesafe, and
Yuri> there's no runtime information. That makes for a pretty tricky
Yuri> grammar. I can imagine it would need to grow the stack in
Yuri> certain cases.

My question is not related to the complexity of the grammar.  I'm
really asking you how you define YYSTYPE.  Do you use %union?
That is the relevant information I need.

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