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Bash ini builtin implementation feedback

From: Jesse Hathaway
Subject: Bash ini builtin implementation feedback
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 09:15:43 -0500

I thought it would be fun to write a blog post on Bash builtins. I have never
written a builtin before, but I thought one that parses ini config files would
provide a good example. I have a working implementation using the inih
library[1]. I would love any feedback on the code as I have written very little
C during my career.

The full source code is below, the Makefile can be found in its repo,

Yours kindly, Jesse Hathaway


#include "inih/ini.h"
#include "loadables.h"
#include <errno.h>

char *ini_doc[] = {
    "Read an ini config from stdin input into a set of associative arrays.",
    "Reads an ini config from stdin input into a set of associative arrays.",
    "The sections of the ini config are added to an associative array",
    "specified by the `-a TOC` argument. The keys and values are then added to",
    "associate arrays prefixed by the `TOC` name and suffixed by their ini",
    "section name, `<TOC>_<INI_SECTION_NAME>`.",
    "  Input input.ini:",
    "    [sec1]",
    "    foo = bar",
    "    [sec2]",
    "    biz = baz",
    "  Result:",
    "    $ ini -a conf < input.ini",
    "    $ declare -p conf",
    "    declare -A conf=([sec1]=\"true\" [sec2]=\"true\" )",
    "    $ declare -p conf_sec1",
    "    declare -A conf_sec1=([foo]=\"bar\" )",
    "    $ declare -p conf_sec2",
    "    declare -A conf_sec2=([biz]=\"baz\" )",
    "If the `-u FD` argument is passed the ini config is read from the `FD`",
    "file descriptor rather than from stdin.",
    (char *)NULL};

/* User data for inih callback handler */
typedef struct {
  char *toc_var_name;
} ini_conf;

/* This is the inih handler called for every new section and for every name and
 * value in a section. This function creates and populates our associative
 * arrays in Bash. Both for the TOC array as well as for the individual section
 * arrays, <TOC>_<INI_SECTION_NAME> */
static int handler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name,
                   const char *value) {
  ini_conf *conf = (ini_conf *)user;
  char *toc_var_name = conf->toc_var_name;
  int vflags;
  if (!name && !value) {
    vflags = 0;
    vflags |= (1 << 0);
    vflags |= (1 << 1);
    SHELL_VAR *toc_var = find_or_make_array_variable(toc_var_name, vflags);
    if (!toc_var) {
      builtin_error("Could not make %s", toc_var_name);
      return 0;
    bind_assoc_variable(toc_var, toc_var_name, strdup(section), "true", 0);
    return 1;
  if (!name) {
    builtin_error("Malformed ini, name is NULL!");
    return 0;
  if (!value) {
    builtin_error("Malformed ini, value is NULL!");
    return 0;
  /* Create <TOC>_<INI_SECTION_NAME> */
  char *sep = "_";
  size_t sec_size = strlen(toc_var_name) + strlen(section) + strlen(sep) +
                    1; // +1 for the null-terminator
  char *sec_var_name = malloc(sec_size);
  char *sec_end = sec_var_name + sec_size - 1;
  char *p = memccpy(sec_var_name, toc_var_name, '\0', sec_size);
  if (!p) {
    builtin_error("Unable to create section name");
    return 0;
  p = memccpy(p - 1, sep, '\0', sec_end - p + 2);
  if (!p) {
    builtin_error("Unable to create section name");
    return 0;
  p = memccpy(p - 1, section, '\0', sec_end - p + 2);
  if (!p) {
    builtin_error("Unable to create section name");
    return 0;
  if (!legal_identifier(sec_var_name)) {
    return 0;
  vflags = 0;
  vflags |= (1 << 0);
  vflags |= (1 << 1);
  SHELL_VAR *sec_var = find_or_make_array_variable(sec_var_name, vflags);
  if (!sec_var) {
    builtin_error("Could not make %s", sec_var_name);
    return 0;
  bind_assoc_variable(sec_var, sec_var_name, strdup(name), strdup(value), 0);
  return 1;

/* This is essentially the main function for the ini builtin, it does arg
 * parsing and then calls the inih function to parse the provided ini FD */
int ini_builtin(list) WORD_LIST *list;
  intmax_t intval;
  int opt, code;
  int fd = 0;
  char *toc_var_name = NULL;
  while ((opt = internal_getopt(list, "a:u:")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'a':
      toc_var_name = list_optarg;
    case 'u':
      code = legal_number(list_optarg, &intval);
      if (code == 0 || intval < 0 || intval != (int)intval) {
        builtin_error("%s: invalid file descriptor specification", list_optarg);
        return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
      fd = (int)intval;
      if (sh_validfd(fd) == 0) {
        builtin_error("%d: invalid file descriptor: %s", fd, strerror(errno));
        return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
    case GETOPT_HELP:
      return (EX_USAGE);
      return (EX_USAGE);
  if (!toc_var_name) {
    return (EX_USAGE);
  ini_conf conf = {};
  conf.toc_var_name = strdup(toc_var_name);
  FILE *file = fdopen(fd, "r");
  if (ini_parse_file(file, handler, &conf) < 0) {
    builtin_error("Unable to read from fd: %d", fd);

/* Provides Bash with information about the builtin */
struct builtin ini_struct = {
    "ini",                /* Builtin name */
    ini_builtin,          /* Function implementing the builtin */
    BUILTIN_ENABLED,      /* Initial flags for builtin */
    ini_doc,              /* Array of long documentation strings. */
    "ini -a TOC [-u FD]", /* Usage synopsis; becomes short_doc */
    0                     /* Reserved for internal use */

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