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Re: [Health] Why non interactive clients "keeping out" at health.gnusoli

From: Tom Blecher
Subject: Re: [Health] Why non interactive clients "keeping out" at
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 18:14:54 +0200

Hi Luis, hi everybody,
just checked:
nmap -p 8069

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2015-05-28 18:08 CEST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.10s latency).
8069/tcp closed__ unknown__

for xml-rpc but it seems that it is still off. Have not you worked on it, yet or did I make a mistake?
21.05.2015, 13:02, "Luis Falcon" <address@hidden>:

Hi, Tom !
On Tue, 19 May 2015 15:48:25 +0200
Tom Blecher <address@hidden> wrote:

 Hi Luis,
 /gnuhealth/tryton/server/config/trytond.conf|grep -A1 xmpm|grep -v
 'xmpm\|--' [xmlrpc]
 listen = localhost:8069
 xmlrpc = *:8069
 ssl_xmlrpc = False
 That is how I configured the tryton server for gnuhospital to serve
 xmlrpc; anyhow, if you had once need for it. Regards Tom

We will be including XML-RPC access during the weekend.


 19.05.2015, 13:42, "Luis Falcon" <address@hidden>:

 Hi, Tom & community !

 On Mon, 18 May 2015 23:36:01 +0200
 Tom Blecher <address@hidden> wrote: Hello,
  here it says

  3. Connect to the GNU Health Demo Database using the following


  Database: health28
  User name: admin
  Password: gnusolidario

  Question to it: Can not one connect to the server via a non
  interactive client such as proteus? Port 8000 might indicate jasonrpc
  is used. But proteus speaks only xmlrpc. So AFAIK any available non
  interactive client is - kept - out.

  Should this "keeping out" be seen a general line or why could not be
  opened then on the server even port 8069  with xmlrpc, to solve the

 Currently the following ports are available at the demo server :

 8000 : Connection via Tryton client / JSON
 5000 : HL7 FHIR

 I'll be happy to enable XML-RPC protocol if there is there a need for

 Let me know your thoughts

 Best regards,
 Luis Thanks in advance



 Luis Falcon, MD
 GNU Health
 Freedom and Equity in Healthcare


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