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[bug#52009] [PATCH core-updates-frozen] openresolv: Wrap it.

From: Vivien Kraus
Subject: [bug#52009] [PATCH core-updates-frozen] openresolv: Wrap it.
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2021 00:04:49 +0100

Dear guix,

When I boot my system on core-updates-frozen, I get an error message:

/gnu/store/xxx-openresolv-3.12.0/sbin/resolvconf: line 824: mkdir: command not 
Failed to create needed directory /var/run/resolvconf

I didn’t experience any DNS issue, but my network is simple on that
machine. In any case, I think it would do no harm to wrap resolvconf to
set its path to the coreutils so that it can find mkdir and rm. I didn’t
find resolvconf to invoke any other program.

What do you think?

Best regards,


Attachment: 0001-gnu-openresolv-Wrap-resolvconf.patch
Description: Wrap resolvconf (openresolv) to set its path

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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