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[bug#49196] [PATCH] import: utils: 'recursive-import' skips unfound pack

From: Sarah Morgensen
Subject: [bug#49196] [PATCH] import: utils: 'recursive-import' skips unfound packages
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2021 21:46:10 -0700


Apologies for the delay. Thanks for the work.

zimoun <> writes:

> -  #:export (go-module->guix-package
> +  #:export (go-module->guix-package*

Would it be better to export both, in case a callee wants access to the
actual errors?

> +(define go-module->guix-package*
> +  (memoize
> +   (lambda args

I would remove the memoize from this method (to put it back in later
on), because multiple invocations with errors would only yield one error
reported. I do not think this makes sense if another tool is using this.

> +               (else
> +                (warning (G_ "Something went wrong with ~s.~%") args)

A catch-all is fine, but we should at least report the actual error,
even if it's not pretty:

    (warning (G_ "Failed to import package ~s.~%  reason: ~s")
                  package-name (exception-args c))

However, if we want to move in the direction of proper error handling
like guix/packages.scm and guix/ui.scm, we can do something like...

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(define (report-import-error package-name error)
   ((http-get-error? error)

(define* (go-module->guix-package* module-path
                                   #:key (on-error report-import-error)
                                   #:allow-other-keys #:rest args)
      (lambda (error)
        (on-error module-path error)
        (values #f '()))
    (lambda () (apply go-module->guix-package module-path args))
    #:unwind? #t))

(define* (go-module-recursive-import package-name
                                     #:key (goproxy "";)
    (lambda* (name #:key version repo)
      (go-module->guix-package* name #:goproxy goproxy
                                #:version version
                                #:pin-versions? pin-versions?)))
   #:guix-name go-module->guix-package-name
   #:version version))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Looks like I got a little carried away :) But breaking out the error
reporting gives us the future option of "plugging in" other error
reporting strategies, such as collating them and returning them
alongside a programmatic recursive import, or being able to provide a
list of packages which failed to import at the end. This will be much
more useful once we have a proper set of import error conditions.

Too much, perhaps?


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