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[bug#49181] Fix missing phases in Emacs builds

From: Carlo Zancanaro
Subject: [bug#49181] Fix missing phases in Emacs builds
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:45:28 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Hi there!

I went to install emacs-protobuf-mode today and found that the build wasn't working. I investigated and it looks like someone renamed the add-source-to-load-path phase to expand-load-path, but they left a few references behind. The first of my patches fixes that.

The second of my patches is more controversial. It changes modify-phases to error out if the asked-for phase doesn't exist in add-before/add-after clauses. I think this is the right move, because it's hard to imagine when the default behaviour of "add to the end of the phases list" is helpful. In most cases the extra phases are setup/transformation phases that we need to run before the final "install" phase, so it's far more useful to fail early than to add these to the end of the phases list.


Attachment: 0001-gnu-Fix-references-to-emacs-build-system-s-expand-lo.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: 0002-guix-Make-modify-phases-error-when-adding-before-aft.patch
Description: Text Data

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