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[bug#43628] Further Info

From: Julien Lepiller
Subject: [bug#43628] Further Info
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 11:20:03 -0400
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Ok, I tgink that means alsa-lib looks for plugins in its rpach, fails to do so, tgen fallls back to its hard-coded path, and fails again. So if we set the rpath correctly (which we cannot do in a package because it would introduce a cyclic dependency), it can load its plugin.

Could you try to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH like so:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<alsa-plugin's pulseaudio output>/lib aegisub

Le 28 septembre 2020 10:43:02 GMT-04:00, Prafulla Giri <> a écrit :
I see...

Hmm.... I didn't know they were just 11 people.

Anyways, here is something that an ALSA developer told me... I couldn't make much of it. But Perhaps you could?

The current alsa-lib code uses the RTLD_DI_ORIGIN glibc extension to determine the path at runtime. The hardcoded path is used only if this mechanism does not work

Perhaps you'd like to see our conversation over at GitHub:

You're far more qualified to do this than I am.

On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 4:55 PM Julien Lepiller <> wrote:

Le 27 septembre 2020 01:56:31 GMT-04:00, Prafulla Giri <> a écrit :
>First and foremost: wow. A post-doc at just three years older than me.
>*cries in high-school drop-out* Super awesome!
>I have cleaned up my package definition as per your review:
>I will look into the matter then. Might take me a while, but I'll try.
>It's sad that framagit is closing. I think they were doing a great job
>peertube and all...

Well, it's framasoft, they started so many services that they can't handle the load anymore. So they've started closing them little by little last year. Some of them will stay, and others will disappear. They never wanted to centralize the web around them, so it's understandable. Instead, they propose other alternatives, they've started the chaton initiative (where other structures propose the same kind of services, at a smaller scale), etc.

They're still developping peertube, don't worry about that. But they're not going to host a public instance. Remember they're about 10 volunteers and one employee :)

>On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 3:00 AM Julien Lepiller <>
>> Thanks! On the guix system, aegisub already works properly (at least
>> did when I last used it), because the alsa config allows it to find
>> pulseaudio.
>> There are three issues with your proposed change:
>> First using derivation-outputs is a bad idea, and it probably only
>> because alsa-plugin doesn't depend on your modified alsa-lib (you'd
>get an
>> infinite loop I think). Since alsa-plugin doesn't depend on this
>> alsa-lib, you don't need such a convoluted work around. When defining
>> conhigure flags, you can simply use (assoc-ref %build-inputs
>> when "alsa-plugin" is defined as an input to the package.
>> Second, setting plugindir at build-time is just asking for the same
>> of issues you are trying to fix, only for finding another plugin that
>> be needed.
>> Third, the way you modify the arguments is… unconventional :) try
>> substitute-keyword-arguments instead. There are plenty of examples in
>> repo.
>> I remember having dealt with this issue before, and pushed a patch
>some 3
>> years ago:
>> Could you look at what happened in the meantime? I think it was
>> in favor of the asound.conf file we have in the guix system now. You
>> learn something if you find the reason why it was changed.
>> Re my other projects, framagit is going to close next year, so I'll
>> migrating to my own hosting, currently at
>> Ok for the cultural difference. It's probably too soon to call me a
>> "senior" though, I'm still pretty young: only 3 years older than you
>> Le 26 septembre 2020 16:46:50 GMT-04:00, Prafulla Giri <
>>> a écrit :
>>> Oh, I come from a culture that does not call seniors by their first
>>> names. (:
>>> Yes! guix-android looks super awesome! I'm glad that you are working
>>> that. You're awesome.
>>> (Also, I just realized that you've also got guix-home-manager and so
>>> more cool repositories! I need to check those out, and soon!)
>>> I did manage to resolve this issue. Kinda'. Here:
>>> All I had to do was re-define 'alsa-lib' to point to the /gnu/store
>>> of alsa-plugins. The /gnu/store path had to be figured out during
>>> Could you please check how this fares in a GuixSD system? If it goes
>>> well, perhaps I should send a patch in for aegisub. But then again,
>>> wonder if I should make the changes in alsa-lib itself, but I am not
>>> sure about that.
>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 8:20 PM Julien Lepiller <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hehe, thanks for your interest in guix-android. It's not really
>>>> yet, but I'm very motivated :). It always feels weird when someone
>on the
>>>> internet calls you Mr ^^. No need to be so stiff, you can call me
>>>> (and I suppose it's the norm to call people by their first name in
>>>> kind of internet community).
>>>> Maybe try to run aegisub with strace -f, you might find out
>>>> You may have to take a look at alsa's sources to find out how it
>looks for
>>>> its plugins exactly (maybe try to grep for PLUGIN or PLUGINDIR)?
>>>> Le 26 septembre 2020 08:07:34 GMT-04:00, Prafulla Giri <
>>>>> a écrit :
>>>>> Okay, I think I'm stuck now. lol
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 3:42 PM Prafulla Giri <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Mr. Lepiller,
>>>>>> Thank you for the tip. For the moment, I want to poke around this
>>>>>> issue. Perhaps I get absolutely tired of it (or find a good hack
>- and an
>>>>>> ugly patch). I did manage to learn a bit more about union-builds
>>>>>> general. So, that's a silver lining.
>>>>>> Also, your work on guix-android seems so very cool! Please keep
>up the
>>>>>> great work!
>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 3:28 PM Julien Lepiller
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Prafulla,
>>>>>>> Le 26 septembre 2020 03:31:38 GMT-04:00, Prafulla Giri <
>>>>>>>> a écrit :
>>>>>>> >Another information:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >I have other programs on my foreign system (installed via guix)
>>>>>>> >produce sound well, without any issues. They include:
>>>>>>> >espeak and kdenlive.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >Also, I did try making the union-build use copies instead of
>>>>>>> >using
>>>>>>> >(union-build ... #:symlink copy-recursively) but that didn't
>work out
>>>>>>> >either.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >Now, I'm going to take a look at fixing the pkg-config rules,
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> >be
>>>>>>> >updating this thread should that resolve this issue.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 12:21 PM Prafulla Giri
>>>>>>> ><>
>>>>>>> >wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >> I forgot to mention, but the union-build works. If one `guix
>>>>>>> build`s
>>>>>>> >the
>>>>>>> >> union package, and cd into the /gnu/store/...-union-build,
>one will
>>>>>>> >see
>>>>>>> >> that things are there as it should be (lib/normal-alsa-*.so
>>>>>>> >> lib/alsa-lib/*pulse*.so).
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> It's just that aegisub seems to be looking from the
>>>>>>> >> /gnu/store/normal-alsa-lib-dir instead of
>>>>>>> >/gnu/store/union-alsa-package.
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> I think the issue with the union-build is that it is completely
>>>>>>> ignored: alsa doesn't look in it's current directory for
>plugins, but in
>>>>>>> the directory where it's been configured (at build time) to look
>>>>>>> On the Guix System, there is a service that creates a
>>>>>>> /etc/asound.conf, which references alsa-plugins:pulseaudio.
>Maybe you
>>>>>>> actually want to configure that? Maybe try to copy this to a new
>>>>>>> .asoundrc:
>>>>>>> pcm_type.pule {
>>>>>>>   lib
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> ctl_type.pulse {
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> pcm.!default {
>>>>>>>   type pulse
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> ctl.!default {
>>>>>>>   type pulse
>>>>>>> }

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