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Re: Why does `system reconfigure` need to `pull`?

From: Ian Eure
Subject: Re: Why does `system reconfigure` need to `pull`?
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 10:41:59 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.7; emacs 29.4

Hi 45mg,

45mg <> writes:

Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at

It then says it's fetching and indexing objects, authenticating N new commits, etc. As far as I can tell, this stage is equivalent to
`guix pull`. It sometimes repeats this several times during the
course of the `reconfigure`.

I didn't think much of this at first, although I thought it was odd
that the manual did not mention a 'pull' stage [1].

I’ve also noticed this, and wondered why it always pulls first. Even
if you have an internet connection, the pull makes the reconfigure
slower than it could be.

Now, I really want to believe that there's a way around this; that I haven't read the docs enough, and there's some option or command to reconfigure my system without pulling new commits. But I can't seem to find any such thing. (`guix time-machine` has the same problem

Is there really no way to reconfigure my system without an internet

I dug around in the --help output, but I didn’t see anything that
looked like it’d skip the pull. It’d definitely be nice to have an
--offline or --no-pull option when reconfiguring.

The simplest path forward for you is to replace your Guix channels
with local clones of them, so `guix pull' uses your filesystem instead
of the network.  You can then `git pull' in your clone to get new
commits when you like, and `guix pull' after that to update Guix to
use them.

I’ve heard of Guix getting used in places without much connectivity before, though I don’t know how it was accomplished. Maybe someone can
chime in with their workflow.

-- Ian

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