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Re: Questions regarding Python packaging

From: Hartmut Goebel
Subject: Re: Questions regarding Python packaging
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 17:54:36 +0100
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seems like another messages of mine, regarding the first thread  about a poetry build system, did not make it to the list.

Am 08.11.20 um 15:27 schrieb Tanguy Le Carrour:
I've just learned, by accident (working on `python-keyring` [1]), that
`python install` was somehow deprecated

This statement is not exactly true - well, depending on interpretation of "somehow". I've not set seen an official deprecation.

It's true that users are encouraged to use pip for installing packages. But the official Python Packaging Tutorial [1] is still based on setuptools (not even recommending a setup.cfg file). Thus setuptools will be around for quite some more time, as will "python install".

In the future Python world, any build-tool can be specified in "pyproject.toml". User will then call "pip install", and pip will (AFAIU) call a Python function (aka entry-point) specified in that file. (If this file does not exist, setuptools are assumed). For our python-build-system, we would use "pip wheel" (for phase build) and "pip install" (for phase install).

So, if we switch to "pip wheel" and "pip install", different python build systems could share a common base, just redefining some dependencies (setuptools, poetry, build, ...) and some tool-dependent flags. Is this the direction you are working towards?


in favor of tools like`pep517` or `build`.

Thanks for point to these, both are new to me.

"build" sounds interesting, esp. for guix: "It is a simple build tool and does not perform any dependency management." This would help us spliting dependency management and build phase. Anyhow, it's quite new (half an year old) and implements a PEP 517 package builder - and PEP 517 (defining the build system in pyproject.toml) is not yet adopted widely.

"pep517" seems o be a library used for "build". Its high-level interface has been deprecated in favor for "build".

I as just about to write "So, while this might be one road to go, this is not of much use for us yet.". Anyhow, this might be a good base for pep517 based packages. On the other hand: Maybe we'd better stick with "pip wheel" and "pip install", see above.

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          |               |
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