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Re: Clang c++ include path

From: Danny Milosavljevic
Subject: Re: Clang c++ include path
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 17:29:31 +0100

Hi Mark,

> variable name.  The reason is that IceCat depends on Rust which depends
> on Clang, and there is a chain of *18* Rust compilers that must be built
> before IceCat can be built.  On my system, compiling all of those Rust
> compilers requires approximately *90 hours* of continuous compiling.

Are you sure that Rust depends on clang?  gnu/packages/rust.scm doesn't have any
direct reference to "clang" except to remove it.

I think that the situation with Rust in that we need to build 18 compilers
is regrettable--I hope that thepowersgang's mrustc can eventually be used
to leapfrog that (it's still active--AND v0.9 has been released) and just
have a small chain mrustc -> rust-1.37 eventually.

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