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From: Mathieu Othacehe
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 03:09:12 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 4495e08542f6d401c79bd1ecc49898790c73a346
Author: Mathieu Othacehe <>
AuthorDate: Sun Feb 21 09:35:04 2021 +0100

    Add notifications support.
    * src/cuirass/mail.scm: New file.
    * src/cuirass/notification.scm: New file.
    * src/sql/upgrade-5.sql: New file.
    * (dist_pkgmodule_DATA, dist_sql_DATA): Add them.
    * src/schema.sql (Specifications)[notifications]: New field.
    * bin/ Wrap inside the "with-notification" macro.
    * src/cuirass/remote-server.scm (remote-server): Ditto.
    * src/cuirass/database.scm (db-add-specification): Add notifications field.
    (db-get-specifications): Ditto.
    (db-update-build-status!): Send notifications.
    * tests/ New file.
    * tests/database.scm (mu-debug, tmp-mail): New variables.
    (mailer): New procedure.
    (example-spec): Add an email notification.
    ("mail-notification"): New test case.
 .gitignore                    |   1 +                   |   5 +-
 bin/                | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/cuirass/database.scm      |  26 ++++---
 src/cuirass/mail.scm          |  76 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/cuirass/notification.scm  | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/cuirass/remote-server.scm |  16 +++--
 src/schema.sql                |   1 +
 src/sql/upgrade-5.sql         |   5 ++
 tests/database.scm            |  32 ++++++++-
 tests/                 |   3 +
 11 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7cd0e1f..a67fb93 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ Makefile
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 6d20aee..dbcc87b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ dist_pkgmodule_DATA =                         \
   src/cuirass/database.scm                     \
   src/cuirass/http.scm                         \
   src/cuirass/logging.scm                      \
+  src/cuirass/mail.scm                         \
   src/cuirass/metrics.scm                      \
+  src/cuirass/notification.scm                 \
   src/cuirass/remote.scm                       \
   src/cuirass/remote-server.scm                        \
   src/cuirass/remote-worker.scm                        \
@@ -84,7 +86,8 @@ dist_sql_DATA =                               \
   src/sql/upgrade-1.sql                                \
   src/sql/upgrade-2.sql                                \
   src/sql/upgrade-3.sql                                \
-  src/sql/upgrade-4.sql
+  src/sql/upgrade-4.sql                                \
+  src/sql/upgrade-5.sql
 dist_css_DATA =                                        \
   src/static/css/cuirass.css                   \
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index b3cca1f..e5b7ff9 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
              (cuirass ui)
              (cuirass logging)
              (cuirass metrics)
+             (cuirass notification)
              (cuirass utils)
              (cuirass watchdog)
              (cuirass zabbix)
@@ -145,83 +146,84 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" 
            (lambda ()
-               (and specfile
-                    (let ((new-specs (save-module-excursion
-                                      (lambda ()
-                                        (set-current-module
-                                         (make-user-module '()))
-                                        (primitive-load specfile)))))
-                      (for-each db-add-specification new-specs)))
-               (if one-shot?
-                   (process-specs (db-get-specifications))
-                   (let ((exit-channel (make-channel)))
-                     (start-watchdog)
-                     (if (option-ref opts 'web #f)
-                         (begin
-                           (spawn-fiber
-                            (essential-task
-                             'web exit-channel
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (run-cuirass-server #:host host
-                                                   #:port port)))
-                            #:parallel? #t)
-                           (spawn-fiber
-                            (essential-task
-                             'monitor exit-channel
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (while #t
-                                 (log-monitoring-stats)
-                                 (sleep 600))))))
-                         (begin
-                           (clear-build-queue)
-                           ;; If Cuirass was stopped during an evaluation,
-                           ;; abort it. Builds that were not registered
-                           ;; during this evaluation will be registered
-                           ;; during the next evaluation.
-                           (db-abort-pending-evaluations)
-                           ;; First off, restart builds that had not
-                           ;; completed or were not even started on a
-                           ;; previous run.
-                           (spawn-fiber
-                            (essential-task
-                             'restart-builds exit-channel
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (restart-builds))))
-                           (spawn-fiber
-                            (essential-task
-                             'build exit-channel
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (while #t
-                                 (process-specs (db-get-specifications))
-                                 (log-message
-                                  "next evaluation in ~a seconds" interval)
-                                 (sleep interval)))))
-                           (spawn-fiber
-                            (essential-task
-                             'metrics exit-channel
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (while #t
-                                 (with-time-logging
-                                  "Metrics update"
-                                  (db-update-metrics))
-                                 (sleep 3600)))))
-                           (spawn-fiber
-                            (essential-task
-                             'monitor exit-channel
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (while #t
-                                 (log-monitoring-stats)
-                                 (sleep 600)))))))
-                     (primitive-exit (get-message exit-channel))))))
+                 (with-notification
+                  (and specfile
+                       (let ((new-specs (save-module-excursion
+                                         (lambda ()
+                                           (set-current-module
+                                            (make-user-module '()))
+                                           (primitive-load specfile)))))
+                         (for-each db-add-specification new-specs)))
+                  (if one-shot?
+                      (process-specs (db-get-specifications))
+                      (let ((exit-channel (make-channel)))
+                        (start-watchdog)
+                        (if (option-ref opts 'web #f)
+                            (begin
+                              (spawn-fiber
+                               (essential-task
+                                'web exit-channel
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (run-cuirass-server #:host host
+                                                      #:port port)))
+                               #:parallel? #t)
+                              (spawn-fiber
+                               (essential-task
+                                'monitor exit-channel
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (while #t
+                                    (log-monitoring-stats)
+                                    (sleep 600))))))
+                            (begin
+                              (clear-build-queue)
+                              ;; If Cuirass was stopped during an evaluation,
+                              ;; abort it. Builds that were not registered
+                              ;; during this evaluation will be registered
+                              ;; during the next evaluation.
+                              (db-abort-pending-evaluations)
+                              ;; First off, restart builds that had not
+                              ;; completed or were not even started on a
+                              ;; previous run.
+                              (spawn-fiber
+                               (essential-task
+                                'restart-builds exit-channel
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (restart-builds))))
+                              (spawn-fiber
+                               (essential-task
+                                'build exit-channel
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (while #t
+                                    (process-specs (db-get-specifications))
+                                    (log-message
+                                     "next evaluation in ~a seconds" interval)
+                                    (sleep interval)))))
+                              (spawn-fiber
+                               (essential-task
+                                'metrics exit-channel
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (while #t
+                                    (with-time-logging
+                                     "Metrics update"
+                                     (db-update-metrics))
+                                    (sleep 3600)))))
+                              (spawn-fiber
+                               (essential-task
+                                'monitor exit-channel
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (while #t
+                                    (log-monitoring-stats)
+                                    (sleep 600)))))))
+                        (primitive-exit (get-message exit-channel)))))))
            ;; Most of our code is I/O so preemption doesn't matter much (it
            ;; could help while we're doing SQL requests, for instance, but it
diff --git a/src/cuirass/database.scm b/src/cuirass/database.scm
index 2f12ed9..eef5d8e 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/database.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/database.scm
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 (define-module (cuirass database)
   #:use-module (cuirass logging)
   #:use-module (cuirass config)
+  #:use-module (cuirass notification)
   #:use-module (cuirass remote)
   #:use-module (cuirass utils)
   #:use-module (squee)
@@ -250,8 +251,7 @@ fibers."
 (define-syntax-rule (with-db-worker-thread db exp ...)
   "Evaluate EXP... in the critical section corresponding to %DB-CHANNEL.
-DB is bound to the argument of that critical section: the database connection.
-This must only be used for reading queries, i.e SELECT queries."
+DB is bound to the argument of that critical section: the database connection."
   (let ((send-timeout 2)
         (receive-timeout 5)
         (caller-name (frame-procedure-name
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ table."
             (exec-query/bind db "\
 INSERT INTO Specifications (name, load_path_inputs, \
 package_path_inputs, proc_input, proc_file, proc, proc_args, \
-build_outputs, priority) \
+build_outputs, notifications, priority) \
   VALUES ("
                              (assq-ref spec #:name) ", "
                              (assq-ref spec #:load-path-inputs) ", "
@@ -415,6 +415,7 @@ build_outputs, priority) \
                              (symbol->string (assq-ref spec #:proc)) ", "
                              (assq-ref spec #:proc-args) ", "
                              (assq-ref spec #:build-outputs) ", "
+                             (assq-ref spec #:notifications) ", "
                              (or (assq-ref spec #:priority) max-priority) ")
 RETURNING name;"))
@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ SELECT * FROM Specifications ORDER BY name ASC;")))
       (match rows
         (() (reverse specs))
         (((name load-path-inputs package-path-inputs proc-input proc-file proc
-                proc-args build-outputs priority)
+                proc-args build-outputs notifications priority)
           . rest)
          (loop rest
                (cons `((#:name . ,name)
@@ -487,6 +488,8 @@ SELECT * FROM Specifications ORDER BY name ASC;")))
                        (#:inputs . ,(db-get-inputs name))
                        (#:build-outputs .
                         ,(with-input-from-string build-outputs read))
+                       (#:notifications .
+                        ,(with-input-from-string notifications read))
                        (#:priority . ,(string->number priority)))
@@ -823,11 +826,16 @@ UPDATE Builds SET stoptime =" now
 "WHERE derivation =" drv
 " AND status != " status ";")))
             (when (positive? rows)
-              (db-add-event 'build
-                            now
-                            `((#:derivation . ,drv)
-                              (#:event      . ,(assq-ref status-names
-                                                         status))))))))))
+              (let* ((build (db-get-build drv))
+                     (spec (assq-ref build #:specification))
+                     (specification (db-get-specification spec))
+                     (notifications (assq-ref specification #:notifications)))
+                (send-notifications notifications #:build build)
+                (db-add-event 'build
+                              now
+                              `((#:derivation . ,drv)
+                                (#:event      . ,(assq-ref status-names
+                                                           status)))))))))))
 (define* (db-update-build-worker! drv worker)
   "Update the database so that DRV's worker is WORKER."
diff --git a/src/cuirass/mail.scm b/src/cuirass/mail.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3706e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cuirass/mail.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+;;; mail.scm -- Send mails.
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <>
+;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (cuirass mail)
+  #:use-module (cuirass utils)
+  #:use-module (mailutils mailutils)
+  #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+  #:export (send-email))
+;; This variable is looked up by 'mu-message-send'.
+(define-public mu-debug 0)
+;; Copied from (mumi send-email).
+(define* (compute-message-id message #:optional seed)
+  "Return a message ID string."
+  (string-append "<" (number->string (object-address message) 16)
+                 "." (number->string
+                      (or seed
+                          (string-hash
+                           (or (mu-message-get-header message "Subject")
+                               "")))
+                      16)
+                 ">"))
+(define* (send-email url
+                     #:key
+                     from to
+                     (date (time-utc->date (current-time time-utc)))
+                     subject text)
+  "Send an email to URL.  Use the FROM, TO, DATE and SUBJECT arguments to set
+the MIME headers.  TEXT is copied as the email body.
+This method supports sendmail and SMTP methods.  The URL syntax is described
+  (mu-register-format (if (string-prefix? "sendmail" url)
+                          "sendmail"
+                          "smtp"))
+  (let* ((mime    (mu-mime-create))
+         (message (mu-message-create))
+         (body    (mu-message-get-port message "w")))
+    (mu-message-set-header message
+                           "Content-Type"
+                           "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
+    (put-bytevector body (string->utf8 text))
+    (newline body)
+    (close-port body)
+    (mu-mime-add-part mime message)
+    (let ((message* (mu-mime-get-message mime)))
+      (mu-message-set-header message* "From" from)
+      (mu-message-set-header message* "To" to)
+      (mu-message-set-header message* "Date" (date->rfc822-str date))
+      (mu-message-set-header message* "Message-ID"
+                             (compute-message-id message
+                                                 (and=> text string-hash)))
+      (when subject
+        (mu-message-set-header message* "Subject" subject))
+      (mu-message-send message* url))))
diff --git a/src/cuirass/notification.scm b/src/cuirass/notification.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b20ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cuirass/notification.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+;;; notification.scm -- Send build notifications.
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <>
+;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (cuirass notification)
+  #:use-module (cuirass database)
+  #:use-module (cuirass logging)
+  #:use-module (cuirass mail)
+  #:use-module (cuirass utils)
+  #:export (notification-type
+            notification-event
+            with-notification
+            send-notifications))
+;; XXX: Some redefinitions to avoid a circular dependency with the (cuirass
+;; database) module.
+(define weather-success 0)
+(define weather-failure 1)
+;; The channel to communicate with the notification worker thread.
+(define %notification-channel
+  (make-parameter #f))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-notification body ...)
+  "Run BODY with %NOTIFICATION-CHANNEL being dynamically bound to a channel
+providing a worker thread that allows to send notifications without
+interfering with fibers."
+  (parameterize ((%notification-channel
+                  (make-worker-thread-channel
+                   (const #t))))
+    body ...))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-notification-worker-thread exp ...)
+  "Evaluate EXP... in the critical section corresponding to
+  (call-with-worker-thread
+   (%notification-channel)
+   (lambda args
+     exp ...)))
+(define-enumeration notification-type
+  (email            0))
+(define-enumeration notification-event
+  (always            0)
+  (broken-builds     1)
+  (fixed-builds      2))
+(define (build-weather-text build)
+  "Return the build weather string."
+  (let ((weather (assq-ref build #:weather)))
+    (cond
+     ((= weather weather-success)
+      "fixed")
+     ((= weather weather-failure)
+      "broken"))))
+(define (notification-subject notification)
+  "Return the subject for the given NOTIFICATION."
+  (let* ((build (assq-ref notification #:build))
+         (job-name (assq-ref build #:job-name))
+         (specification (assq-ref build #:specification))
+         (weather-text (build-weather-text build)))
+    (format #f "Build ~a on ~a is ~a."
+            job-name specification weather-text)))
+(define (notification-text notification)
+  "Return the text for the given NOTIFICATION."
+  (let* ((build (assq-ref notification #:build))
+         (id (assq-ref build #:id))
+         (job-name (assq-ref build #:job-name))
+         (specification (assq-ref build #:specification))
+         (weather-text (build-weather-text build)))
+    (format #f "The build ~a for specification ~a is ~a. You can find
+the detailed information about this build here: ~a."
+            job-name specification weather-text
+            (string-append "build/" (number->string id) "/details"))))
+(define (notification-email notification)
+  "Send an email for the given NOTIFICATION."
+  (let* ((from (assq-ref notification #:from))
+         (to (assq-ref notification #:to))
+         (server (assq-ref notification #:server))
+         (subject (notification-subject notification))
+         (text (notification-text notification)))
+    (send-email server
+                #:from from
+                #:to to
+                #:subject subject
+                #:text text)))
+(define* (send-notifications notifications #:key build)
+  "Send the notifications in NOTIFICATIONS list, regarding the given BUILD."
+  (with-notification-worker-thread
+   (for-each
+    (lambda (notification)
+      (let* ((event (assq-ref notification #:event))
+             (type (assq-ref notification #:type))
+             (weather (assq-ref build #:weather))
+             (success? (eq? weather weather-success))
+             (failure? (eq? weather weather-failure)))
+        (when (or
+               (and (eq? event (notification-event always))
+                    (or success? failure?))
+               (and (eq? event (notification-event broken-builds))
+                    failure?)
+               (and (eq? event (notification-event fixed-builds))
+                    success?))
+          (let ((notification* (acons #:build build notification)))
+            (cond
+             ((eq? type (notification-type email))
+              (notification-email notification*)))))))
+    notifications)))
diff --git a/src/cuirass/remote-server.scm b/src/cuirass/remote-server.scm
index 6c94673..404ed02 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/remote-server.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/remote-server.scm
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
   #:use-module (cuirass config)
   #:use-module (cuirass database)
   #:use-module (cuirass logging)
+  #:use-module (cuirass notification)
   #:use-module (cuirass remote)
   #:use-module (cuirass utils)
   #:use-module (gcrypt pk-crypto)
@@ -479,10 +480,11 @@ exiting."
         (receive-logs log-port (%cache-directory))
-            (for-each (lambda (number)
-                        (start-fetch-worker
-                         (string-append "fetch-worker-"
-                                        (number->string number))))
-                      (iota 4))
-            (zmq-start-proxy backend-port))))))
+            (with-notification
+             (for-each (lambda (number)
+                         (start-fetch-worker
+                          (string-append "fetch-worker-"
+                                         (number->string number))))
+                       (iota 4))
+             (zmq-start-proxy backend-port)))))))
diff --git a/src/schema.sql b/src/schema.sql
index 81063b9..66194a9 100644
--- a/src/schema.sql
+++ b/src/schema.sql
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ CREATE TABLE Specifications (
   proc          TEXT NOT NULL, -- defined in proc_file
   proc_args     TEXT NOT NULL, -- passed to proc
   build_outputs TEXT NOT NULL, --specify what build outputs should be made 
available for download
+  notifications TEXT,
   priority      INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
diff --git a/src/sql/upgrade-5.sql b/src/sql/upgrade-5.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..117d052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sql/upgrade-5.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ALTER TABLE Specifications ADD COLUMN notifications TEXT;
diff --git a/tests/database.scm b/tests/database.scm
index 8c39216..9736911 100644
--- a/tests/database.scm
+++ b/tests/database.scm
@@ -21,16 +21,30 @@
 ;;; along with Cuirass.  If not, see <>.
 (use-modules (cuirass database)
+             (cuirass notification)
              (cuirass remote)
              (cuirass utils)
              ((guix utils) #:select (call-with-temporary-output-file))
+             (rnrs io ports)
              (ice-9 match)
              (srfi srfi-19)
              (srfi srfi-64))
+;; This variable is looked up by 'mu-message-send'.
+(define-public mu-debug 0)
+(define (mailer)
+  (string-append "sendmail://" (getcwd) "/tests/"))
+;; The above bash program will be invoked by mailutils.  It copies what's
+;; passed on the standard input to the following file.
+(define tmp-mail ".tmp-mail")
+(false-if-exception (delete-file tmp-mail))
 (define example-spec
-  '((#:name . "guix")
+  `((#:name . "guix")
     (#:load-path-inputs . ("savannah"))
     (#:package-path-inputs . ())
     (#:proc-input . "savannah")
@@ -52,6 +66,12 @@
                   (#:commit . #f)
                   (#:no-compile? . #f))))
     (#:build-outputs . ())
+    (#:notifications . (((#:name . "name")
+                         (#:type . ,(notification-type email))
+                         (#:from . "from")
+                         (#:to . "to")
+                         (#:server . ,(mailer))
+                         (#:event . 0))))
     (#:priority . 9)))
 (define (make-dummy-checkouts fakesha1 fakesha2)
@@ -469,6 +489,11 @@ timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES ('guix', 0, 0, 
0, 0);")
       (assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:weather)))
+  (test-assert "mail notification"
+    (let ((str (call-with-input-file tmp-mail
+                 get-string-all)))
+      (string-contains str "Build job-1 on guix is fixed.")))
   (test-equal "db-get-builds weather"
     (build-weather new-failure)
@@ -476,6 +501,11 @@ timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES ('guix', 0, 0, 
0, 0);")
       (db-update-build-status! "/new-build.drv" 1)
       (assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:weather)))
+  (test-assert "mail notification"
+    (let ((str (call-with-input-file tmp-mail
+                 get-string-all)))
+      (string-contains str "Build job-1 on guix is broken.")))
   (test-equal "db-get-builds weather"
     (build-weather still-succeeding)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1be38a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+cp /dev/stdin .tmp-mail

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