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Re: Lepton EDA 1.9.14 announce and misc questions

From: Matt Wette
Subject: Re: Lepton EDA 1.9.14 announce and misc questions
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 06:46:27 -0700
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On 4/20/21 5:47 AM, Matt Wette wrote:

On 4/20/21 2:29 AM, Vladimir Zhbanov wrote:
Hi Guile users and devs,

I'm the current maintainer of Lepton EDA suite, an about five year
old fork of geda-gaf with accent to moving more functionality to
Scheme code.  I'm not sure if it is acceptable to advertise it
here, please let me know if not.  I just know several Guix
packagers are reading this mailing list and would like to announce
a new version of Lepton, 1.9.14 has been released on April, 7:

Sweet.  Thanks for posting this.   I will take a look at your problem.
It'll require digging into the eda_..._dirs function.

The following should work as a complete program on a system w/ glib.
You need to first convert the result to a bytevector and then access the
elements (pointers) one at a time.  Note that we don't know how big the
array returned from the C function is.  I pick an oversized value of 100.

(use-modules (system foreign))
(use-modules (rnrs bytevectors))

(define glib (dynamic-link "libglib-2.0"))

(define g-get-system-data-dirs
  (let ((f (pointer->procedure
        '* (dynamic-func "g_get_system_data_dirs" glib) (list)))
    (bv-pointer-ref (cond
             ((= (sizeof '*) 8) bytevector-u64-native-ref )
             ((= (sizeof '*) 4) bytevector-u32-native-ref )
             (else (error "hmmm"))))
    (BIG 100))
    (lambda ()
      (let* ((r (f))
         (p (pointer->bytevector r (* BIG (sizeof '*)))))
        (let loop ((ix 0))
          (let* ((ad (bv-pointer-ref p ix))
             (sp (make-pointer ad)))
        (if (equal? %null-pointer sp)
            (cons (pointer->string sp) (loop (+ ix (sizeof '*)))))))))))

(simple-format #t "~S" (g-get-system-data-dirs))

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