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doc srfi-26

From: Kevin Ryde
Subject: doc srfi-26
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 06:15:36 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Some words describing the srfi 26 stuff.

SRFI-26 - specializing parameters

This SRFI provides a syntax for conveniently specializing selected
parameters of a function.  It can be used with,

     (use-modules (srfi srfi-26))

 - library syntax: cut slot ...
 - library syntax: cute slot ...
     Return a new procedure which will make a call (SLOT ...) but with
     selected parameters specialized to given expressions.

     An example will illustrate the idea.  The following is a
     specialization of `write', sending output to `my-output-port',

          (cut write <> my-output-port)
          (lambda (obj) (write obj my-output-port))

     The special symbol `<>' indicates a slot to be filled by an
     argument to the new procedure.  `my-output-port' on the other hand
     is an expression to be evaluated and passed, ie. it specializes
     the behaviour of `write'.

          A slot to be filled by an argument from the created procedure.
          Arguments are assigned to `<>' slots in the order they appear
          in the `cut' form, there's no way to re-arrange arguments.

          The first argument to `cut' is usually a procedure (or
          expression giving a procedure), but `<>' is allowed there
          too.  For example,

               (cut <> 1 2 3)
               (lambda (proc) (proc 1 2 3))

          A slot to be filled by all remaining arguments from the new
          procedure.  This can only occur at the end of a `cut' form.

          For example, a procedure taking a variable number of
          arguments like `max' but in addition enforcing a lower bound,

               (define my-lower-bound 123)
               (cut max my-lower-bound <...>)
               (lambda arglist (apply max my-lower-bound arglist))

     For `cut' the specializing expressions are evaluated each time the
     new procedure is called.  For `cute' they're evaluated just once,
     when the new procedure is created.  The name `cute' stands for
     "`cut' with evaluated arguments".  In all cases the evaluations
     take place in an unspecified order.

     The following illustrates the difference between `cut' and `cute',

          (cut format <> "the time is ~s" (current-time))
          (lambda (port) (format port "the time is ~s" (current-time)))
          (cute format <> "the time is ~s" (current-time))
          (let ((val (current-time)))
            (lambda (port) (format port "the time is ~s" val))

     (There's no provision for a mixture of `cut' and `cute' where some
     expressions would be evaluated every time but others evaluated
     only once.)

     `cut' is really just a shorthand for the sort of `lambda' forms
     shown in the above examples.  But notice `cut' avoids the need to
     name unspecialized parameters, and is more compact.  Use in
     functional programming style or just with `map', `for-each' or
     similar is typical.

          (map (cut * 2 <>) '(1 2 3 4))
          (for-each (cut write <> my-port) my-list)

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