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guile-vm 0.3

From: Keisuke Nishida
Subject: guile-vm 0.3
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2001 01:16:46 -0500
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.4.0 (Rio) SEMI/1.13.7 (Awazu) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) Emacs/21.0.99 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

I have checked in the current snapshot of my Guile VM to the CVS.
If anyone is interested, please check it out and try it.


  % cd guile/guile-vm
  % ./; configure && make install
  % ln -s module/{language,system} /usr/local/share/guile/site/


Add the following lines to your ~/.guile:

  (if (string=? (car (command-line)) "guile-vm")
        (use-modules (system repl repl))
        (start-repl 'ghil)


  % gulie-vm
  Guile High Intermediate Language (GHIL) interpreter 0.3 on Guile 1.4.1
  Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

  Enter `,help' for help.
  address@hidden> (@+ 1 2)
  $1 = 3
  address@hidden> ,c -c (@+ 1 2)             ;; Compile into GLIL
  (@asm (0 0 0 0)
    (const 1)
    (const 2)
  address@hidden> ,c -l (@+ 1 2)             ;; Compile into loadable code
     0    make-int8:0             ;; 0
     1    load-program #0
     8    return

  Bytecode #0:

     0    make-int8:1             ;; 1
     1    make-int8 2             ;; 2
     3    add
     4    return

  address@hidden> ,c (@+ 1 2)                ;; Compile and disassemble
  Disassembly of #<program 0x80ff863>:

  args = 0  rest = 0  locals = 0


     0    make-int8:1             ;; 1
     1    make-int8 2             ;; 2
     3    add
     4    return

  address@hidden> (@define fib
               (@lambda (n)
                 (@if (@< n 2) 1 (@+ (fib (@- n 1)) (fib (@- n 2))))))
  address@hidden> ,trace (fib 3)
  (#<program 0x80f607c> 3)
  | (#<program 0x80f607c> 2)
  | | (#<program 0x80f607c> 1)
  | | 1
  | | (#<program 0x80f607c> 0)
  | | 1
  | 2
  | (#<program 0x80f607c> 1)
  | 1
  address@hidden> ,trace -a (fib 1)
  0xbfffef68  (call 0)            #()   (#<program 0x80f6813>)
  0x80f6813  (make-int8:1)       #()    ()
  0x80f6814  (load-module)       #()    (1)
  0x80f681a  (load-symbol)       #()    (#<env 40345e00> 1)
  0x80f681f  (link)              #()    (fib #<env 40345e00> 1)
  0x80f6820  (variable-ref)      #()    ((fib . #<program 0x80f607c>) 1)
  0x80f6821  (tail-call 1)       #()    (#<program 0x80f607c> 1)
  (#<program 0x80f607c> 1)
  0x80f607c  (local-ref:0)       #(1)   ()
  0x80f607d  (make-int8 2)       #(1)   (1)
  0x80f607f  (lt?)               #(1)   (2 1)
  0x80f6080  (br-if-not 2)       #(1)   (#t)
  0x80f6082  (make-int8:1)       #(1)   ()
  0x80f6083  (return)            #(1)   (1)
  0xbfffef6a  (halt)              #()   (1)
  address@hidden> ,time (fib 30)
  $2 = 1346269
  clock utime stime cutime cstime gctime
   3.42  3.40  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00


Currently, the Scheme interpreter (r5rs) is not working.
I have tested the VM only by the fib function above.
Please don't expect too much for now.

I'll hopefully get the VM usable during this summer.


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