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[Guile-commits] 04/07: Move the core of exception objects into core

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 04/07: Move the core of exception objects into core
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 09:31:57 -0500 (EST)

wingo pushed a commit to branch wip-exceptions
in repository guile.

commit 92d767bae2035b2ad782cfb18befde838a752bac
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Nov 7 15:55:23 2019 +0100

    Move the core of exception objects into core
    * module/ice-9/boot-9.scm (&exception, &compound-exception)
      (simple-exceptions, make-exception, exception?, exception-type?)
      (make-exception-type, exception-predicate, exception-accessor): Move
      these definitions into core, from (ice-9 exceptions).
    * module/ice-9/exceptions.scm: Re-export definitions from core.
 module/ice-9/boot-9.scm     | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 module/ice-9/exceptions.scm | 95 +++++---------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm b/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
index 1d8dd75..f725686 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
@@ -1396,6 +1396,102 @@ written into the port is returned."
              (loop (+ n 1) (cdr l))))))
+(let-syntax ((define-values* (syntax-rules ()
+                               ((_ (id ...) body ...)
+                                (define-values (id ...)
+                                  (let ()
+                                    body ...
+                                    (values id ...)))))))
+  (define-values* (&exception
+                   &compound-exception
+                   simple-exceptions
+                   make-exception
+                   exception?
+                   exception-type?
+                   make-exception-type
+                   exception-predicate
+                   exception-accessor)
+    (define &exception (make-record-type '&exception '() #:extensible? #t))
+    (define simple-exception? (record-predicate &exception))
+    (define &compound-exception (make-record-type '&compound-exception
+                                                  '((immutable components))))
+    (define compound-exception? (record-predicate &compound-exception))
+    (define make-compound-exception (record-constructor &compound-exception))
+    (define compound-exception-components
+      (record-accessor &compound-exception 'components))
+    (define (simple-exceptions exception)
+      "Return a list of the simple exceptions that compose the exception
+object @var{exception}."
+      (cond ((compound-exception? exception)
+             (compound-exception-components exception))
+            ((simple-exception? exception)
+             (list exception))
+            (else
+             (error "not a exception" exception))))
+    (define (make-exception . exceptions)
+      (define (flatten exceptions)
+        (if (null? exceptions)
+            '()
+            (append (simple-exceptions (car exceptions))
+                    (flatten (cdr exceptions)))))
+      (let ((simple (flatten exceptions)))
+        (if (and (pair? simple) (null? (cdr simple)))
+            (car simple)
+            (make-compound-exception simple))))
+    (define (exception? obj)
+      "Return true if @var{obj} is an exception."
+      (or (compound-exception? obj) (simple-exception? obj)))
+    (define (exception-type? obj)
+      "Return true if OBJ is an exception type."
+      (and (record-type? obj)
+           (record-type-has-parent? obj &exception)))
+    (define (make-exception-type id parent field-names)
+      "Return a new exception type named @var{id}, inheriting from
+@var{parent}, and with the fields whose names are listed in
+@var{field-names}.  @var{field-names} must be a list of symbols and must
+not contain names already used by @var{parent} or one of its
+      (unless (exception-type? parent)
+        (error "parent is not a exception type" parent))
+      (unless (and-map symbol? field-names)
+        (error "field names should be a list of symbols" field-names))
+      (make-record-type id field-names #:parent parent #:extensible? #t))
+    (define (exception-predicate rtd)
+      "Return a procedure that will return true if its argument is a
+simple exception that is an instance of @var{rtd}, or a compound
+exception composed of such an instance."
+      (let ((rtd-predicate (record-predicate rtd)))
+        (lambda (obj)
+          (cond ((compound-exception? obj)
+                 (or-map rtd-predicate (simple-exceptions obj)))
+                (else (rtd-predicate obj))))))
+    (define (exception-accessor rtd proc)
+      (let ((rtd-predicate (record-predicate rtd)))
+        (lambda (obj)
+          (if (rtd-predicate obj)
+              (proc obj)
+              (let lp ((exceptions (if (compound-exception? obj)
+                                       (simple-exceptions obj)
+                                       '())))
+                (when (null? exceptions)
+                  (error "object is not an exception of the right type"
+                         obj rtd))
+                (if (rtd-predicate (car exceptions))
+                    (proc (car exceptions))
+                    (lp (cdr exceptions))))))))))
 ;; Define catch and with-throw-handler, using some common helper routines and a
diff --git a/module/ice-9/exceptions.scm b/module/ice-9/exceptions.scm
index a97e16d..721140c 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/exceptions.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/exceptions.scm
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
 (define-module (ice-9 exceptions)
-  #:export (&exception
-            make-exception
-            make-exception-type
-            simple-exceptions
-            exception?
-            exception-type?
-            exception-predicate
-            exception-accessor
-            define-exception-type
+  #:re-export (&exception
+               make-exception
+               make-exception-type
+               simple-exceptions
+               exception?
+               exception-type?
+               exception-predicate
+               exception-accessor)
+  #:export (define-exception-type
@@ -94,83 +94,6 @@
-(define &exception (make-record-type '&exception '() #:extensible? #t))
-(define simple-exception? (record-predicate &exception))
-(define &compound-exception (make-record-type '&compound-exception
-                                              '((immutable components))))
-(define compound-exception? (record-predicate &compound-exception))
-(define make-compound-exception (record-constructor &compound-exception))
-(define simple-exceptions
-  (let ((compound-ref (record-accessor &compound-exception 'components)))
-    (lambda (exception)
-      "Return a list of the simple exceptions that compose the exception
-object @var{exception}."
-      (cond ((compound-exception? exception)
-             (compound-ref exception))
-            ((simple-exception? exception)
-             (list exception))
-            (else
-             (error "not a exception" exception))))))
-(define make-exception
-  (lambda exceptions
-    (let ((simple
-           (let flatten ((exceptions exceptions))
-             (if (null? exceptions)
-                 '()
-                 (append (simple-exceptions (car exceptions))
-                         (flatten (cdr exceptions)))))))
-      (if (and (pair? simple) (null? (cdr simple)))
-          (car simple)
-          (make-compound-exception simple)))))
-(define (exception? obj) 
-  "Return true if @var{obj} is an exception."
-  (or (compound-exception? obj) (simple-exception? obj)))
-(define (exception-type? obj)
-  "Return true if OBJ is an exception type."
-  (and (record-type? obj)
-       (record-type-has-parent? obj &exception)))
-(define (make-exception-type id parent field-names)
-  "Return a new exception type named @var{id}, inheriting from
-@var{parent}, and with the fields whose names are listed in
-@var{field-names}.  @var{field-names} must be a list of symbols and must
-not contain names already used by @var{parent} or one of its
-  (unless (exception-type? parent)
-    (error "parent is not a exception type" parent))
-  (unless (and-map symbol? field-names)
-    (error "field names should be a list of symbols" field-names))
-  (make-record-type id field-names #:parent parent #:extensible? #t))
-(define (exception-predicate rtd)
-  "Return a procedure that will return true if its argument is a simple
-exception that is an instance of @var{rtd}, or a compound exception
-composed of such an instance."
-  (let ((rtd-predicate (record-predicate rtd)))
-    (lambda (obj)
-      (cond ((compound-exception? obj) 
-            (or-map rtd-predicate (simple-exceptions obj)))
-           (else (rtd-predicate obj))))))
-(define (exception-accessor rtd proc)
-  (let ((rtd-predicate (record-predicate rtd)))
-    (lambda (obj)
-      (if (rtd-predicate obj)
-          (proc obj)
-          (let lp ((exceptions (if (compound-exception? obj) 
-                                   (simple-exceptions obj)
-                                   '())))
-            (when (null? exceptions)
-              (error "object is not an exception of the right type" obj rtd))
-            (if (rtd-predicate (car exceptions))
-                (proc (car exceptions))
-                (lp (cdr exceptions))))))))
 (define-syntax define-exception-type
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ exception-type supertype constructor predicate

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