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[Guile-commits] 01/02: Split graph utilities out of (language cps utils)

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 01/02: Split graph utilities out of (language cps utils)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 06:54:56 -0400 (EDT)

wingo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guile.

commit bba4ce222d1e0b96051947eea1a22bdd90c6b785
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Mon Aug 12 22:07:56 2019 +0200

    Split graph utilities out of (language cps utils)
    * module/language/cps/graphs.scm: New file.
    * module/language/cps/utils.scm: Re-export functions from graphs.scm.
    * am/
    * module/ Add to build.
 am/                               |   3 +-
 module/                            |   4 +-
 module/language/cps/{utils.scm => graphs.scm} | 240 +--------------------
 module/language/cps/utils.scm                 | 295 +++++---------------------
 4 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)

diff --git a/am/ b/am/
index e2367b7..69a5911 100644
--- a/am/
+++ b/am/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ SOURCES =                                     \
   ice-9/psyntax-pp.scm                         \
   language/cps/intmap.scm                      \
   language/cps/intset.scm                      \
-  language/cps/utils.scm                       \
+  language/cps/graphs.scm                      \
   ice-9/vlist.scm                              \
   srfi/srfi-1.scm                              \
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ SOURCES =                                     \
   language/cps/type-checks.scm                 \
   language/cps/type-fold.scm                   \
   language/cps/types.scm                       \
+  language/cps/utils.scm                       \
   language/cps/verify.scm                      \
   language/cps/with-cps.scm                    \
diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index c72fb92..252ae12 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce
-##     Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
-##        2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+##   Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ##   This file is part of GUILE.
@@ -136,6 +135,7 @@ SOURCES =                                   \
   language/cps/dce.scm                         \
   language/cps/devirtualize-integers.scm       \
   language/cps/effects-analysis.scm            \
+  language/cps/graphs.scm                      \
   language/cps/intmap.scm                      \
   language/cps/intset.scm                      \
   language/cps/licm.scm                                \
diff --git a/module/language/cps/utils.scm b/module/language/cps/graphs.scm
similarity index 52%
copy from module/language/cps/utils.scm
copy to module/language/cps/graphs.scm
index 9359f0c..c2b9f19 100644
--- a/module/language/cps/utils.scm
+++ b/module/language/cps/graphs.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
-;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2013-2015, 2017-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -18,24 +18,16 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;;; Helper facilities for working with CPS.
+;;; Helper facilities for working with graphs over intsets and intmaps.
 ;;; Code:
-(define-module (language cps utils)
+(define-module (language cps graphs)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
-  #:use-module (language cps)
   #:use-module (language cps intset)
   #:use-module (language cps intmap)
-  #:export (;; Fresh names.
-            label-counter var-counter
-            fresh-label fresh-var
-            with-fresh-name-state compute-max-label-and-var
-            let-fresh
-            ;; Various utilities.
+  #:export (;; Various utilities.
             fold1 fold2
@@ -46,57 +38,11 @@
             ;; Flow analysis.
-            compute-function-body
-            compute-reachable-functions
-            compute-successors
-            compute-predecessors
-            compute-idoms
-            compute-dom-edges
-            solve-flow-equations
-            ))
-(define label-counter (make-parameter #f))
-(define var-counter (make-parameter #f))
-(define (fresh-label)
-  (let ((count (or (label-counter)
-                   (error "fresh-label outside with-fresh-name-state"))))
-    (label-counter (1+ count))
-    count))
-(define (fresh-var)
-  (let ((count (or (var-counter)
-                   (error "fresh-var outside with-fresh-name-state"))))
-    (var-counter (1+ count))
-    count))
-(define-syntax-rule (let-fresh (label ...) (var ...) body ...)
-  (let* ((label (fresh-label)) ...
-         (var (fresh-var)) ...)
-    body ...))
-(define-syntax-rule (with-fresh-name-state fun body ...)
-  (call-with-values (lambda () (compute-max-label-and-var fun))
-    (lambda (max-label max-var)
-      (parameterize ((label-counter (1+ max-label))
-                     (var-counter (1+ max-var)))
-        body ...))))
-(define (compute-max-label-and-var conts)
-  (values (or (intmap-prev conts) -1)
-          (intmap-fold (lambda (k cont max-var)
-                         (match cont
-                           (($ $kargs names syms body)
-                            (apply max max-var syms))
-                           (($ $kfun src meta (and self (not #f)))
-                            (max max-var self))
-                           (_ max-var)))
-                       conts
-                       -1)))
+            solve-flow-equations))
 (define-inlinable (fold1 f l s0)
   (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0))
@@ -179,133 +125,6 @@ disjoint, an error will be signalled."
                (values x0* x1*)
                (lp x0* x1*))))))))
-(define (compute-function-body conts kfun)
-  (persistent-intset
-   (let visit-cont ((label kfun) (labels empty-intset))
-     (cond
-      ((intset-ref labels label) labels)
-      (else
-       (let ((labels (intset-add! labels label)))
-         (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-           (($ $kreceive arity k) (visit-cont k labels))
-           (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause)
-            (let ((labels (visit-cont ktail labels)))
-              (if kclause
-                  (visit-cont kclause labels)
-                  labels)))
-           (($ $ktail) labels)
-           (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt)
-            (if kalt
-                (visit-cont kalt (visit-cont kbody labels))
-                (visit-cont kbody labels)))
-           (($ $kargs names syms term)
-            (match term
-              (($ $continue k)
-               (visit-cont k labels))
-              (($ $branch kf kt)
-               (visit-cont kf (visit-cont kt labels)))
-              (($ $prompt k kh)
-               (visit-cont k (visit-cont kh labels)))
-              (($ $throw)
-               labels))))))))))
-(define* (compute-reachable-functions conts #:optional (kfun 0))
-  "Compute a mapping LABEL->LABEL..., where each key is a reachable
-$kfun and each associated value is the body of the function, as an
-  (define (intset-cons i set) (intset-add set i))
-  (define (visit-fun kfun body to-visit)
-    (intset-fold
-     (lambda (label to-visit)
-       (define (return kfun*) (fold intset-cons to-visit kfun*))
-       (define (return1 kfun) (intset-add to-visit kfun))
-       (define (return0) to-visit)
-       (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-         (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ exp))
-          (match exp
-            (($ $fun label) (return1 label))
-            (($ $rec _ _ (($ $fun labels) ...)) (return labels))
-            (($ $const-fun label) (return1 label))
-            (($ $code label) (return1 label))
-            (($ $callk label) (return1 label))
-            (_ (return0))))
-         (_ (return0))))
-     body
-     to-visit))
-  (let lp ((to-visit (intset kfun)) (visited empty-intmap))
-    (let ((to-visit (intset-subtract to-visit (intmap-keys visited))))
-      (if (eq? to-visit empty-intset)
-          visited
-          (call-with-values
-              (lambda ()
-                (intset-fold
-                 (lambda (kfun to-visit visited)
-                   (let ((body (compute-function-body conts kfun)))
-                     (values (visit-fun kfun body to-visit)
-                             (intmap-add visited kfun body))))
-                 to-visit
-                 empty-intset
-                 visited))
-            lp)))))
-(define* (compute-successors conts #:optional (kfun (intmap-next conts)))
-  (define (visit label succs)
-    (let visit ((label kfun) (succs empty-intmap))
-      (define (propagate0)
-        (intmap-add! succs label empty-intset))
-      (define (propagate1 succ)
-        (visit succ (intmap-add! succs label (intset succ))))
-      (define (propagate2 succ0 succ1)
-        (let ((succs (intmap-add! succs label (intset succ0 succ1))))
-          (visit succ1 (visit succ0 succs))))
-      (if (intmap-ref succs label (lambda (_) #f))
-          succs
-          (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-            (($ $kargs names vars term)
-             (match term
-               (($ $continue k) (propagate1 k))
-               (($ $branch kf kt) (propagate2 kf kt))
-               (($ $prompt k kh) (propagate2 k kh))
-               (($ $throw) (propagate0))))
-            (($ $kreceive arity k)
-             (propagate1 k))
-            (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-             (if clause
-                 (propagate2 clause tail)
-                 (propagate1 tail)))
-            (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt)
-             (if kalt
-                 (propagate2 kbody kalt)
-                 (propagate1 kbody)))
-            (($ $ktail) (propagate0))))))
-  (persistent-intmap (visit kfun empty-intmap)))
-(define* (compute-predecessors conts kfun #:key
-                               (labels (compute-function-body conts kfun)))
-  (define (meet cdr car)
-    (cons car cdr))
-  (define (add-preds label preds)
-    (define (add-pred k preds)
-      (intmap-add! preds k label meet))
-    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-      (($ $kreceive arity k)
-       (add-pred k preds))
-      (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause)
-       (add-pred ktail (if kclause (add-pred kclause preds) preds)))
-      (($ $ktail)
-       preds)
-      (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt)
-       (add-pred kbody (if kalt (add-pred kalt preds) preds)))
-      (($ $kargs names syms term)
-       (match term
-         (($ $continue k)   (add-pred k preds))
-         (($ $branch kf kt) (add-pred kf (add-pred kt preds)))
-         (($ $prompt k kh)  (add-pred k (add-pred kh preds)))
-         (($ $throw)        preds)))))
-  (persistent-intmap
-   (intset-fold add-preds labels
-                (intset->intmap (lambda (label) '()) labels))))
 (define (compute-reverse-post-order succs start)
   "Compute a reverse post-order numbering for a depth-first walk over
 nodes reachable from the start node."
@@ -405,55 +224,6 @@ connected components in sorted order."
     (((? (lambda (id) (eqv? id start))) . ids)
      (map (lambda (id) (intmap-ref components id)) ids))))
-;; Precondition: For each function in CONTS, the continuation names are
-;; topologically sorted.
-(define (compute-idoms conts kfun)
-  ;; This is the iterative O(n^2) fixpoint algorithm, originally from
-  ;; Allen and Cocke ("Graph-theoretic constructs for program flow
-  ;; analysis", 1972).  See the discussion in Cooper, Harvey, and
-  ;; Kennedy's "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm", 2001.
-  (let ((preds-map (compute-predecessors conts kfun)))
-    (define (compute-idom idoms preds)
-      (define (idom-ref label)
-        (intmap-ref idoms label (lambda (_) #f)))
-      (match preds
-        (() -1)
-        ((pred) pred)                   ; Shortcut.
-        ((pred . preds)
-         (define (common-idom d0 d1)
-           ;; We exploit the fact that a reverse post-order is a
-           ;; topological sort, and so the idom of a node is always
-           ;; numerically less than the node itself.
-           (let lp ((d0 d0) (d1 d1))
-             (cond
-              ;; d0 or d1 can be false on the first iteration.
-              ((not d0) d1)
-              ((not d1) d0)
-              ((= d0 d1) d0)
-              ((< d0 d1) (lp d0 (idom-ref d1)))
-              (else (lp (idom-ref d0) d1)))))
-         (fold1 common-idom preds pred))))
-    (define (adjoin-idom label preds idoms)
-      (let ((idom (compute-idom idoms preds)))
-        ;; Don't use intmap-add! here.
-        (intmap-add idoms label idom (lambda (old new) new))))
-    (fixpoint (lambda (idoms)
-                (intmap-fold adjoin-idom preds-map idoms))
-              empty-intmap)))
-;; Compute a vector containing, for each node, a list of the nodes that
-;; it immediately dominates.  These are the "D" edges in the DJ tree.
-(define (compute-dom-edges idoms)
-  (define (snoc cdr car) (cons car cdr))
-  (persistent-intmap
-   (intmap-fold (lambda (label idom doms)
-                  (let ((doms (intmap-add! doms label '())))
-                    (cond
-                     ((< idom 0) doms) ;; No edge to entry.
-                     (else (intmap-add! doms idom label snoc)))))
-                idoms
-                empty-intmap)))
 (define (intset-pop set)
   (match (intset-next set)
     (#f (values set #f))
diff --git a/module/language/cps/utils.scm b/module/language/cps/utils.scm
index 9359f0c..fff88ab 100644
--- a/module/language/cps/utils.scm
+++ b/module/language/cps/utils.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
-;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 Free Software Foundation, 
 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -25,39 +25,38 @@
 (define-module (language cps utils)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
   #:use-module (language cps)
   #:use-module (language cps intset)
   #:use-module (language cps intmap)
+  #:use-module (language cps graphs)
   #:export (;; Fresh names.
             label-counter var-counter
             fresh-label fresh-var
             with-fresh-name-state compute-max-label-and-var
-            ;; Various utilities.
-            fold1 fold2
-            trivial-intset
-            intmap-map
-            intmap-keys
-            invert-bijection invert-partition
-            intset->intmap
-            worklist-fold
-            fixpoint
-            ;; Flow analysis.
+            ;; Graphs.
-            invert-graph
-            compute-reverse-post-order
-            compute-strongly-connected-components
-            compute-sorted-strongly-connected-components
-            compute-dom-edges
-            solve-flow-equations
-            ))
+            compute-dom-edges)
+  #:re-export (fold1 fold2
+               trivial-intset
+               intmap-map
+               intmap-keys
+               invert-bijection invert-partition
+               intset->intmap
+               worklist-fold
+               fixpoint
+               ;; Flow analysis.
+               invert-graph
+               compute-reverse-post-order
+               compute-strongly-connected-components
+               compute-sorted-strongly-connected-components
+               solve-flow-equations))
 (define label-counter (make-parameter #f))
 (define var-counter (make-parameter #f))
@@ -98,87 +97,6 @@
-(define-inlinable (fold1 f l s0)
-  (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0))
-    (match l
-      (() s0)
-      ((elt . l) (lp l (f elt s0))))))
-(define-inlinable (fold2 f l s0 s1)
-  (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0) (s1 s1))
-    (match l
-      (() (values s0 s1))
-      ((elt . l)
-       (call-with-values (lambda () (f elt s0 s1))
-         (lambda (s0 s1)
-           (lp l s0 s1)))))))
-(define (trivial-intset set)
-  "Returns the sole member of @var{set}, if @var{set} has exactly one
-member, or @code{#f} otherwise."
-  (let ((first (intset-next set)))
-    (and first
-         (not (intset-next set (1+ first)))
-         first)))
-(define (intmap-map proc map)
-  (persistent-intmap
-   (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out) (intmap-add! out k (proc k v)))
-                map
-                empty-intmap)))
-(define (intmap-keys map)
-  "Return an intset of the keys in @var{map}."
-  (persistent-intset
-   (intmap-fold (lambda (k v keys) (intset-add! keys k)) map empty-intset)))
-(define (invert-bijection map)
-  "Assuming the values of @var{map} are integers and are unique, compute
-a map in which each value maps to its key.  If the values are not
-unique, an error will be signalled."
-  (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out) (intmap-add out v k)) map empty-intmap))
-(define (invert-partition map)
-  "Assuming the values of @var{map} are disjoint intsets, compute a map
-in which each member of each set maps to its key.  If the values are not
-disjoint, an error will be signalled."
-  (intmap-fold (lambda (k v* out)
-                 (intset-fold (lambda (v out) (intmap-add out v k)) v* out))
-               map empty-intmap))
-(define (intset->intmap f set)
-  (persistent-intmap
-   (intset-fold (lambda (label preds)
-                  (intmap-add! preds label (f label)))
-                set empty-intmap)))
-(define worklist-fold
-  (case-lambda
-    ((f in out)
-     (let lp ((in in) (out out))
-       (if (eq? in empty-intset)
-           out
-           (call-with-values (lambda () (f in out)) lp))))
-    ((f in out0 out1)
-     (let lp ((in in) (out0 out0) (out1 out1))
-       (if (eq? in empty-intset)
-           (values out0 out1)
-           (call-with-values (lambda () (f in out0 out1)) lp))))))
-(define fixpoint
-  (case-lambda
-    ((f x)
-     (let lp ((x x))
-       (let ((x* (f x)))
-         (if (eq? x x*) x* (lp x*)))))
-    ((f x0 x1)
-     (let lp ((x0 x0) (x1 x1))
-       (call-with-values (lambda () (f x0 x1))
-         (lambda (x0* x1*)
-           (if (and (eq? x0 x0*) (eq? x1 x1*))
-               (values x0* x1*)
-               (lp x0* x1*))))))))
 (define (compute-function-body conts kfun)
    (let visit-cont ((label kfun) (labels empty-intset))
@@ -306,104 +224,41 @@ intset."
    (intset-fold add-preds labels
                 (intset->intmap (lambda (label) '()) labels))))
-(define (compute-reverse-post-order succs start)
-  "Compute a reverse post-order numbering for a depth-first walk over
-nodes reachable from the start node."
-  (let visit ((label start) (order '()) (visited empty-intset))
-    (call-with-values
-        (lambda ()
-          (intset-fold (lambda (succ order visited)
-                         (if (intset-ref visited succ)
-                             (values order visited)
-                             (visit succ order visited)))
-                       (intmap-ref succs label)
-                       order
-                       (intset-add! visited label)))
-      (lambda (order visited)
-        ;; After visiting successors, add label to the reverse post-order.
-        (values (cons label order) visited)))))
-(define (invert-graph succs)
-  "Given a graph PRED->SUCC..., where PRED is a label and SUCC... is an
-intset of successors, return a graph SUCC->PRED...."
-  (intmap-fold (lambda (pred succs preds)
-                 (intset-fold
-                  (lambda (succ preds)
-                    (intmap-add preds succ pred intset-add))
-                  succs
-                  preds))
-               succs
-               (intmap-map (lambda (label _) empty-intset) succs)))
-(define (compute-strongly-connected-components succs start)
-  "Given a LABEL->SUCCESSOR... graph, compute a SCC->LABEL... map
-partitioning the labels into strongly connected components (SCCs)."
-  (let ((preds (invert-graph succs)))
-    (define (visit-scc scc sccs-by-label)
-      (let visit ((label scc) (sccs-by-label sccs-by-label))
-        (if (intmap-ref sccs-by-label label (lambda (_) #f))
-            sccs-by-label
-            (intset-fold visit
-                         (intmap-ref preds label)
-                         (intmap-add sccs-by-label label scc)))))
-    (intmap-fold
-     (lambda (label scc sccs)
-       (let ((labels (intset-add empty-intset label)))
-         (intmap-add sccs scc labels intset-union)))
-     (fold visit-scc empty-intmap (compute-reverse-post-order succs start))
-     empty-intmap)))
-(define (compute-sorted-strongly-connected-components edges)
-  "Given a LABEL->SUCCESSOR... graph, return a list of strongly
-connected components in sorted order."
-  (define nodes
-    (intmap-keys edges))
-  ;; Add a "start" node that links to all nodes in the graph, and then
-  ;; remove it from the result.
-  (define start
-    (if (eq? nodes empty-intset)
-        0
-        (1+ (intset-prev nodes))))
-  (define components
-    (intmap-remove
-     (compute-strongly-connected-components (intmap-add edges start nodes)
-                                            start)
-     start))
-  (define node-components
-    (intmap-fold (lambda (id nodes out)
-                   (intset-fold (lambda (node out) (intmap-add out node id))
-                                nodes out))
-                 components
-                 empty-intmap))
-  (define (node-component node)
-    (intmap-ref node-components node))
-  (define (component-successors id nodes)
-    (intset-remove
-     (intset-fold (lambda (node out)
-                    (intset-fold
-                     (lambda (successor out)
-                       (intset-add out (node-component successor)))
-                     (intmap-ref edges node)
-                     out))
-                  nodes
-                  empty-intset)
-     id))
-  (define component-edges
-    (intmap-map component-successors components))
-  (define preds
-    (invert-graph component-edges))
-  (define roots
-    (intmap-fold (lambda (id succs out)
-                   (if (eq? empty-intset succs)
-                       (intset-add out id)
-                       out))
-                 component-edges
-                 empty-intset))
-  ;; As above, add a "start" node that links to the roots, and remove it
-  ;; from the result.
-  (match (compute-reverse-post-order (intmap-add preds start roots) start)
-    (((? (lambda (id) (eqv? id start))) . ids)
-     (map (lambda (id) (intmap-ref components id)) ids))))
+;; Precondition: For each function in CONTS, the continuation names are
+;; topologically sorted.
+(define (compute-idoms conts kfun)
+  ;; This is the iterative O(n^2) fixpoint algorithm, originally from
+  ;; Allen and Cocke ("Graph-theoretic constructs for program flow
+  ;; analysis", 1972).  See the discussion in Cooper, Harvey, and
+  ;; Kennedy's "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm", 2001.
+  (let ((preds-map (compute-predecessors conts kfun)))
+    (define (compute-idom idoms preds)
+      (define (idom-ref label)
+        (intmap-ref idoms label (lambda (_) #f)))
+      (match preds
+        (() -1)
+        ((pred) pred)                   ; Shortcut.
+        ((pred . preds)
+         (define (common-idom d0 d1)
+           ;; We exploit the fact that a reverse post-order is a
+           ;; topological sort, and so the idom of a node is always
+           ;; numerically less than the node itself.
+           (let lp ((d0 d0) (d1 d1))
+             (cond
+              ;; d0 or d1 can be false on the first iteration.
+              ((not d0) d1)
+              ((not d1) d0)
+              ((= d0 d1) d0)
+              ((< d0 d1) (lp d0 (idom-ref d1)))
+              (else (lp (idom-ref d0) d1)))))
+         (fold1 common-idom preds pred))))
+    (define (adjoin-idom label preds idoms)
+      (let ((idom (compute-idom idoms preds)))
+        ;; Don't use intmap-add! here.
+        (intmap-add idoms label idom (lambda (old new) new))))
+    (fixpoint (lambda (idoms)
+                (intmap-fold adjoin-idom preds-map idoms))
+              empty-intmap)))
 ;; Precondition: For each function in CONTS, the continuation names are
 ;; topologically sorted.
@@ -454,45 +309,3 @@ connected components in sorted order."
-(define (intset-pop set)
-  (match (intset-next set)
-    (#f (values set #f))
-    (i (values (intset-remove set i) i))))
-(define* (solve-flow-equations succs in out kill gen subtract add meet
-                               #:optional (worklist (intmap-keys succs)))
-  "Find a fixed point for flow equations for SUCCS, where INIT is the
-initial state at each node in SUCCS.  KILL and GEN are intmaps
-indicating the state that is killed or defined at every node, and
-SUBTRACT, ADD, and MEET operates on that state."
-  (define (visit label in out)
-    (let* ((in-1 (intmap-ref in label))
-           (kill-1 (intmap-ref kill label))
-           (gen-1 (intmap-ref gen label))
-           (out-1 (intmap-ref out label))
-           (out-1* (add (subtract in-1 kill-1) gen-1)))
-      (if (eq? out-1 out-1*)
-          (values empty-intset in out)
-          (let ((out (intmap-replace! out label out-1*)))
-            (call-with-values
-                (lambda ()
-                  (intset-fold (lambda (succ in changed)
-                                 (let* ((in-1 (intmap-ref in succ))
-                                        (in-1* (meet in-1 out-1*)))
-                                   (if (eq? in-1 in-1*)
-                                       (values in changed)
-                                       (values (intmap-replace! in succ in-1*)
-                                               (intset-add changed succ)))))
-                               (intmap-ref succs label) in empty-intset))
-              (lambda (in changed)
-                (values changed in out)))))))
-  (let run ((worklist worklist) (in in) (out out))
-    (call-with-values (lambda () (intset-pop worklist))
-      (lambda (worklist popped)
-        (if popped
-            (call-with-values (lambda () (visit popped in out))
-              (lambda (changed in out)
-                (run (intset-union worklist changed) in out)))
-            (values (persistent-intmap in)
-                    (persistent-intmap out)))))))

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